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Planning And Implementation Of Data Center Of Public Security Organs At Municipal Districts

Posted on:2017-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B F TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536974527Subject:Engineering / Computer Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With abundant information accumulated from online processing of primary services during Phase I of ‘Golden Shield Project' and subsequent construction of eight major databases,public security organs nationwide are speeding up their information sharing to facilitate significant innovations in social management.Against this context,this paper is designed to study the approaches of establishing data centers and retrieving distributed data for public security organs by way of collecting and sorting out relevant theories.It is structured in the following manner:1.To begin with,objectives and contents of the present paper are made clear by examining the background,status quo and significance of relevant researches.A theoretical foundation for the construction of data centers is thus laid with a literature-review-based justification for building a data warehouse and a corresponding attempt to create a model.2.A general framework of data centers for public security organs is then set up based on an investigation into user needs on data resource platforms and an analysis of the said needs conducted with modeling tools.3.The above-mentioned needs analysis enabled the illustration of function modules of data centers,architecture of conceptual and logical models of a data warehouse and subsequent establishment of featured databases.4.As a result of above efforts,an enterprise-level Big Data Retrieval Platform based on SolrCloud+Lucene is created.Rapid full-text search in the data centers of public security organs is therefore made possible by perfecting retrieval methods.5.This paper ends with a summary of research work completed in the process of planning and designing this platform and an outlook of work to be done in future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data Center, Data Warehouse, Full-Text
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