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Research And Design Of Guangdong Public Transport Card Charging System Based On Web Service

Posted on:2017-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of network technology and information technology,through the Internet payment,prepaid,consumption has been accepted by the ordinary people,it will gradually replace the traditional offline activities,and Guangdong Province transportation card as currently the largest regional card,in order to adapt to the development of the technology.Research and development of Web Service based on Guangdong Province transportation card recharge system.with advanced computer hardware and software technology,information management,network communication technology and IC card technology as the foundation,combined with the specific characteristics of urban public transport system,system provide a convenient and secure online recharge services for the cardholder.The cardholder through the prepaid terminal,connected with the computer,mobile phone,landing net charge system,registered members can use online banking payment,Alipay payment,caifutong payment and other three party payment for public transportation card recharge card online payment,and complete the financial clearing and settlement divided into parties.Guangdong public transport card online recharge,consumption,query and other services,the establishment of a unified Guangdong public transport card recharge and query platform.This paper is mainly through the web service based on Guangdong province traffic network card recharge system construction significance,necessity,feasibility,current situation of domestic and foreign in the full research,as well as the business functions of the network card recharge system demand analysis.Combined with the characteristics of traffic card industry,The system introduces traffic network card recharge system architecture design,system security design,business interface module design,and describes the detailed design of the system,the realization of content.The system can expand public transportation card card recharge mode,optimiz for businesses and individuals to recharge channels control and overall management function,reduce the cost of construction and operation of the recharge,for the majority of public transport card card users to provide convenient,safety of prepaid service,also pay the the system for the future to further expand to the Internet consumption,the third party payment and the fees for the public affairs,public management domain of electronic business affairs laid the foundation.
Keywords/Search Tags:traffic smart card, network recharge, Key safety, Error handling, web service
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