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The Visual Distribution System Design Of Terminal Logistics

Posted on:2018-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330518993260Subject:Logistics Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of computer science and the popularity of all types of Internet applications, China's e-commerce is developing rapidly. However, with the increasing number of e-commerce business transactions, the logistics and distribution transportation has to face more serious pressure. Especially, with the advent of "11.11" shopping carnival,many express companies got issues of excessive inventory, long time transportation and low distribution efficiency ect. In the terminal distribution part, it directly faces the customer, so the quality of distribution services directly affects the users' overall evaluation of logistics and distribution service level. In the above case, this paper mainly focuses on 'the last mile' logistics distribution. At the same time,since the smart phone has become one of the indispensable equipment in our daily life; it can be applied to the management of terminal logistics to make the logistics information being shared more easily. Therefore, it proposes to design the visual distribution system of terminal logistics in IOS environment in this paper, which can realize the purpose of improving service quality and distribution efficiency.Firstly, the paper analyzes the conditions of terminal distribution in China and describes several important modes of our country's logistics distribution and put forward some problems in the last mile logistics.Through the study of distribution mode, it does the customers'requirements analysis. According to the user segmentation, it proposes to design two platforms, the courier platform and customer platform in the application system.Secondly, according to the customer requirements, it designs the mobile terminal system functions and server database chart structure.Paint the flow chart of two application platforms. In the customer platform, it includes the functions of express path tracking, find the courier nearby and call the courier. The courier platform has the courier path navigation function and update the logistics order status functions. It mainly uses Xcode to develop and simulate app for clients who are IOS users. After that, using MySQL to design the system database and design the server API according to the functions above.Finally, this paper mainly do the logistics system test and evaluates from three aspects: system function test, system performance test and database test. It divides the system function test into different test cases mainly according to the system. The database test mainly does the database operation test, such as add, delete, change and find the element in the database. After that, test the API of system. Finally, the performance test mainly checks the system response time, resource share and system stability. And then, analyse the test results.
Keywords/Search Tags:terminal logistics, visual system, electronic map, ios
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