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Research On Violent Phenomenon Of Weibo

Posted on:2018-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Microblogging as a new network from the media platform,has a strong user base,and a profound impact on our lifestyle.Microblogging in guiding public opinion positive we are obvious to all,but which alienation factors to build a healthy media ecosystem is detrimental.With the increase in the number of microblogging users,microblogging triggered more and more public network events.Microblogging influence can help solve the network of public events,but also accompanied by the emergence of violent phenomenon,which has been related to the network culture and safety,affecting the healthy development of society.It is based on the microblogging increasingly prominent on the construction of healthy media ecological environment and a harmonious society of the major influence,this article Sina microblogging,for example,by analyzing the Beier Bao's bridesmaid incident,in-depth discussion of microblogging violence.The full text is divided into seven parts: introduction,five chapters and conclusion.In the introduction,this paper mainly discusses the international background and domestic background of this article and the significance of the topic selection.Through the literature review method,the present research situation of microblogging,microblogging violence and microblogging negative effect is summarized,And put forward the research ideas,methods and innovation of this paper.The second chapter,a comprehensive overview of Sina microblogging,systematically sort out the Sina microblogging profile(microblogging definition,Sina microblogging characteristics,the development of the situation),Sina microblogging value and function,user attributes and the use of behavior analysis.The third chapter,define the concept to the violence and microblogging violence,summed up the case through the microblogging violence specific performance and type.The fourth chapter describes the running stage of Sina microblogging violence.Through the study of the agenda setting theory and the group effect,it is found that the violent operation of Sina microblogging has three stages: budding stage,development stage and fading stage.In the fifth chapter,on the basis of Sina microblogging background data,taking the agenda setting theory and the group effect as the angle of view,taking Beier Bao's bridesmaid event as an example,the case study method and the investigation method are the main research methods,The causes of violent violence,found by the media technical factors,the group spread process of the group effect and psychological factors led to Sina microblogging violence.In the sixth chapter,through the analysis of the running process and the causes,the author analyzes the negative influence and harm of the microblogging violence in the network and the reality,and puts forward the scheme to avoid the phenomenon of violence.In the course of the study,the data of the case study are authenticity and the data base is also large.The data of the questionnaire is the investigation carried out in the event stage,which is different from the ordinary questionnaire.The number of participants in the study,the number of participants for 70,000 people,in the ordinary data questionnaire,it is difficult to achieve such data.And the individual also through the background of the use of large data,so that the study more objective and scientific,the conclusions of this article provides a justified argument.
Keywords/Search Tags:Weibo, Violence phenomenon, Reason, Governance
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