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Public Opinion Collision And Purification In The Media Field

Posted on:2018-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330515979870Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
New era is known as the mass microphone era,the media is widely used to improve the enthusiasm of the public participation in social affairs,huge public opinion impulse makes public opinion environment is more complex,especially involving the safety of life events triggered by public opinion,easy to cause the public opinion.Previous opinion purification is through the media guidance,public opinion supervision and management mechanism for the external forces in the traditional media environment supervision by public opinion is not strong and effective effect.As a result,the public opinion field needs to rethink the way of regulation,in order to maintain the healthy operation of the public opinion field according to the formation of new public opinion regulation.In this context,this paper summarizes the recent development of events of public opinion,since the media public opinion can under certain conditions through the inner elements of the resultant force,to the extreme,false,violence and other public opinion filtering,form a consensus on public opinion.This article mainly wei is west event as an example,USES the method of discourse analysis research,the stages of representative public opinion,through analyzing the evolution process of public opinion,formed by the diverse opinions collision show since the media of relevant public opinion purification performance status,inductive opinion purification conditions of work required in the field,explore the essence of the public opinion purification is human dominated or spontaneous prior technology,finally to search based on purifying the difficulties encountered in the present stage,for the media public opinion purification ascension force put forward some opinions and Suggestions.The first part mainly introduces the form of purification in the media.After the related concepts to make theoretical definition of purification function,through the analysis of collision and purification of purification process of public opinion found necessary connection,influence public opinion purification of a few points.From purification special performance public opinion in the media field,found a key link in the process of purification need to participate in various main bodies,highlights of human practical significance in the purification process.The second part for wei is west events caused by public opinion purification process in specific analysis,find out the event from each stage of the performance of public opinion of the purification of public opinion.In this paper is related to public opinion transmission platform,rendering text induces four different stages in the evolution of public opinion,through discourse analysis,a clear opinion purification stage and its performance.Combined with public opinion data report,for the analysis of key factors that can contribute to the derivation of a node into,from the perspective of social psychology,media development of double analytic result in wei the west event state of public opinion gradually become rational objective a variety of reasons,summed up the purification of public opinion in the media public opinion field presents the regularity of performance.In addition to the affirmation of human influence,it is pointed out that purification is inseparable from the fact of technology development.The third part,through the conclusion of the public opinion of wei's case,reflects on the nature of purification,which is the effect of artificial force and technological development on purification.From two direction of technology and human analysis this problem,take care of some 2016 public events in the media,public opinion purification phenomenon,the link between the clear and clean,role in purifying the order,and come to the conclusion that human is more important.Based on the conclusion,the author in view of the scholars on the discussion of the purification of the real possibility,contact the reality environment favorable factors,put forward their views on this issue.The fourth part is how the media can improve its own purification by some means.The author in this paper sums up the influence on the purification function role of several critical conditions,through the corresponding analysis of several incidents of public opinion in recent years,based on the reality of the comprehensive investigation,found that handicaps in purification of these conditions existed,lead to the development of purification of public opinion has not all been plain sailing.These obstacles through inducing factors of process,the author according to the reasons of the obstacles,puts forward the corresponding solution strategy,for these strategies can be implemented at the same time and a brief evaluation.The fifth part is the summary of this article.Technology development and human derivation is the inner motive power of purification appear,but these two aspects in the present stage presents the trend of constantly improve,so face the problem of cleansing has not been able to achieve goals,do not blindly deny its existence value.Based on predecessors' research results,the author combed the since the media public opinion purification process,found a purification will by stages and the necessary condition of work and value judgment still need to discuss about purification.According to the research on the reality of purification development,this paper puts forward the corresponding method of promotion,which also needs to be carried out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Purification of public opinion, Diverse opinion, Collision, Weizexi event
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