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Software Design And Realization For Lightning Current Accumulation Rate And Lightning Probability Statistics

Posted on:2017-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330512958002Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy and technology in our country, the damage caused by lightning is also increasing. In particular, the development of high-tech, computer and other electronic products are widely used, the lightning disaster is listed as a major electronic public hazard.Lightning is a natural phenomenon that happens every year in nature, since the United States scientists Franklin study the phenomenon of lightning to the present,people have mastered the basic law of lightning. In order to reduce the casualties caused by the lightning strike on buildings, people and property. The international standardization organization has formulated various building lightning protection design standard and lightning stroke risk assessment standard. In the design of lightning protection facilities in our country, it is necessary to comply with the national standard GB50057-2010 "building lightning protection design code", the purpose is to prevent the lightning invasion, reduce personal injury and property damage.In this paper, we mainly study the lightning current accumulation rate and the probability of lightning, the standard is the "IEC62305" lightning protection standard.The main research contents include:1, analysis of the format of the lightning flash data, based on the "IEC62305" study summed up the lightning current cumulative rate, average density and lightning probability calculation method.2, the system uses the B/S mode, Apache+MYSQL+PHP technology, developed the lightning current cumulative rate and the probability of lightning strike probability.3, the full text of the design and implementation of the system is discussed in detail, the calculation of the lightning current accumulation rate and the probability of lightning, especially the identification of whether the data in the area of the method in a detailed analysis of the design. Method for calculating the distancebetween two points of latitude and longitude. Practice has proved that this method is simple and accurate.4, the conversion of the lightning flash data, management and backup and other functions, the module design.Lightning current accumulation rate and the probability of lightning strike through practice, in the lightning protection analysis, it is proved that the design of the feasibility and accuracy, the basic realization of the demand analysis of the functional requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:lightning current accumulation rate, lightning probability, lightning protection standard, lightning location
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