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Design And Implementation Of Personal Income Tax Withholding System Based On ASP.NET

Posted on:2017-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M YangFull Text:PDF
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Personal income tax in our tax administ ration in the proportion of very lar ge, every enterprise is responsible for every em ployee's personal incom e tax paym ent process, however, due to the dif ferent types of dif ferent salary and paym ent of personal income tax the calcula tion is also not the sam e, which gives the financial management has brought great dif ficulties. Traditional personal incom e tax management model, human involvement is mo re, the calculation error is relatively large, obviously can not m eet the inform ation needs of m anagement. Full use of existing network resources, research and development to adapt to the personal income tax withholding system for each business line use is very necessary.Personal income tax calculation require s tax has a v ery rich th eoretical knowledge papers before the developm ent of the system of personal incom e tax-related knowledge theoretical study of the system development process used to review several key technology learning, as R & D system ha s laid a good theoretical basis. Thesis using object-or iented design and implem entation of three-tier structure of the system design and implementation of work includes the following aspects:First, the relevant staff of a cor porate financial of ficers Inland Revenue Department and user needs analysis to determine the function of the system, including: taxpayer information management, report management, tax calculation, reporting management, query statistics, and system management. Data flow system is analyzed further to d etermine the system's business processes. And based on the use of a business and the Inland Revenue Depart ment office network environm ent, the demand for non-functional aspects of the system to restrict the description;Secondly, the design of the system in detail, when the system software architecture design u ses a hierarchical de sign, the whole system is divided into different levels, through the interfaces between these levels for information exchange and improve cohesion, enhanced system scalability. System designed to take the exam, the current tax departm ent and the com pany's existing network, given the system application networ k architecture design, and it s main purpose is not to increase the system user in the application system hardware investment. Then for each module performing gives a specific functi on design. Long-term stable operation of each application are in separable from the support of the database, th e paper also conceptual structure and logical structure of the datab ase will be specifically designed.Finally, a simple-to-understand language C #, ASP.NET three-tier structure of the system was to be im plemented with the b ackend database it is MS SQL Server2008 used to store and m anage the database. In order to further ensure the effect of the system before it is deployed on-line sy stem, the sys tem is f ully functional and performance testing, using Load Runner sim ulated test of users, application system to further scientific assessm ent. Through th e personal incom e tax withholding system testing, system development to achieve the desired development goals, in line with the requirements of the tax departm ent of operational staff, we can a ccurately calculate the payment made by each individual's personal income tax amount.The system after specific enterprises use, improve the efficiency of the financial staff, reduces the com putational error occurs, and the system can realize tax rem ote reporting, according to business ty pe, and each person' s level of wage incom e is automatically calculated for each person person al income tax amount that should be paid for our tax adm inistration to achieve a fair, just and open business process to provide favorable conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taxpayers management, tax calculation, withholding
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