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Research And Realization Of The CRM System Based On Mobile

Posted on:2016-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330503494259Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mobile users are increasing explosively with the advent of the era of mobile Internet. The mobile Internet shows the characteristic of interactivity, openness, and big data, which fundamentally changed the working habit and behavior of human. Transformation and upgrading of enterprises is of great urgency to face the change. Traditional carriers, insurance, financial industry, and service industry are facing serious challenges. The Android mobile operating system generated an increasing share in the electronic intelligence equipment market, which becomes the most widely used mobile device operating system. This paper designed a set of mobile customer relationship management(CRM) system for insurance enterprise based on the Android platform, which helps insurance salesman accessing the information of customers and business partners timely and efficiently.This article adopted the idea of software engineering analysis of the mobile CRM system for insurance enterprise, and constructed business modules for mobile CRM system. These business modules include login module, setting module, contact module, business opportunities module, business partner module, market activity module, training module, schedule management module, knowledge module, task management module, etc.Detail analysis and function decomposition were made for the business module of mobile CRM system. Mature Android technology and agile development mode were combined to realize the design and development of mobile CRM system. The system architecture of the mobile CRM system was divided into interface layer, business logic layer, basic services layer, and data storage layer using MVC architecture design method. Loose coupling design was used for the mobile CRM system, which strengthened the extensibility of software, improved the efficiency of software development, reduced the workload of software development, and guaranteed the software quality.The mobile CRM system constructed in this paper has a complete system module, which meet users' requirements in software function and performance. The mobile CRM system has been applied preliminary in insurance company customer relationship management and has reached the expected aim. The performance of the mobile CRM system was promoted roundly about 15% than before.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Internet, Insurance, CRM, Android, MVC
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