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Research On The Application Of Group Cooperative Learning In Primary School English Teaching

Posted on:2018-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B X RanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515473614Subject:Primary education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 21 st century is an era of cooperation as the theme,cultivating the students' cooperation consciousness and team spirit from an early age are keeping pace with trend of the times.In this sense,the introduction and promotion of group cooperative learning theory in our country is to accidents.The idea of cooperative learning in our country,of course,can be said to have a long history,the book of "Rites-learning",said: "Learning alone without friends,is solitude and uncultured." However,more emphasis on students "cooperation" in ancient China,mutual complement each other,the cooperation study with contemporary originated in the United States teaching or learning mode is a qualitative difference.Originated in the United States of contemporary cooperative learning group prefer to describe participation by the students to complete a certain content of learning and mastering.Objectively speaking,the introduction of group cooperative learning from the United States theoretical degree is higher,its in a specific subject teaching and learning should be how to use still need further in-depth study.Schools in Lai yuan county fraternity advocated "efficient" classroom culture construction and(Yan zhao elementary school)in our school advocated by the "little teaches more than" in the construction of class culture,we used in class teaching more a way of learning is group cooperative learning.But we found that in the process of primary school English classroom teaching practice: cooperative learning group,there are "with form,the less the essence,lack of effective" phenomenon.The form of group learning,but not cooperation development;it seems lively in our cooperative learning classroom,but efficiency is not enough."English curriculum standard" requires teachers to avoid the use of simple teaching methods to teach language knowledge,and promote task-based teaching and cooperative learning.As one of the mainstream of contemporary teaching theory and strategy of "team cooperation study",it is not only a kind of study way,but learners in a group learning environment to learn the process of mutual exchanges and cooperation with others.This article is based on the author's teaching practice,to explore the application of cooperative learning in primary school English teaching mode and the existing problems and response.Paper is divided into six parts:The introduction part,mainly for the selected topic background and significance of topic,narrative research progress,put forward to carry out the study of the main methods and plans to solve the key problem.The first chapter,to define the concept of cooperative learning group,comparing group cooperative teaching and the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional teaching way,to interpret the meaning of team teaching,and teaching theory basis and the team cooperation to achieve the teaching goal.The second chapter,through the teaching practice,questionnaire and interview methods such as teachers,understand the implementation of group cooperative learning in primary school English teaching situation,the statistics related to the survey,and analyzed briefly.The third chapter,according to the above findings,summarizes the current group cooperative learning in the main problems existing in the primary school English teaching,and analyze the causes of these problems.The fourth chapter,this paper puts forward the primary school English teaching in the effective implementation of the strategy,cooperative learning group include: deepen the understanding of cooperative learning group;Choose proper cooperative learning content;Reasonable grouping,clear division of labor,give full play to the function of cooperation;Improve the evaluation mechanism.Conclusion,summarizes the full text and points out the future research direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:group cooperative learning, primary school English, teaching strategies
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