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The Study On The Acquisition Of Chinese Vocabulary Asymmetry Among Foreign Students

Posted on:2019-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330545461635Subject:International Education in Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Asymmetry is widely used in Math.Physics.Chemistry.Communication and many other spheres.It also occupies an important position in teaching Chinese as a foreigen language.In this text,I analysised the asymmetrical words lies in the series of textbook Developing Chinese and described the asymmetrical phenomenon comfirming in the textbooks systmatically by combing the essaies which informed the asymmeticals.Meanwhile,I also anysised the reasons that students abroad made errors when they using Chinese.On this basis,I offered some proposals on teaching asymmetrical words in order to increase the efficiency of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and decrease the error rates when students learning Chingese.The full text consisted of five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction.Firstly,I made a brief account of reasons,meannings,thinnkings and methods about the researching and arranged the study of rsearch status from the aspect of pronunciation,words and grammar.The second chapter is an overview of the asymmentry and a brief qualitative research of asymmentry included in Chinese.Meanwhile,I classified the asymmentry into two classes:Marked asymmentry and Usage asymmentry.In third chapter I made a statistical analysis about the asymmentry concerning in the series textbook of De'veloping Chinese and Outline of syllabic Chinese Vocabulary grades for Chinese International Education.And I found that at the initial stage the phenomenon of asymmentry is based on the Marked symmentry,in the middle and advanced stage the phenomenon of asymmentry is based on Usage asymmentry.The fourth chapter is the investigation and analysis semantic of asymmentry of students learned.Combing with the relevant data in HSK dynamic composition corpus and the questionnaire of college students in international education of Anhui University,analysis of students on the asymmentry acquisition.And I found that the acquisition effect is becoming better with the improvement of Chinese proficiency.The last chapter is the concluding remarks.This paper based on the questionnaire suver of the institute of international education of Anhui University,puts forward corresponding Suggestions with compilation on asymmentry in the teaching and then summarizes the deficiency of this article and the paper made a further prospect of ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:asymmentry, students abroad, acquisition, textbook
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