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The Study Of Jewim Martial Education In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2018-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542976704Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jewim martial education is an important part of official martial education in Ming Dynasty.It mainly act to train and educate hereditary military attaches,young officers and serving military officers under the special historical background of military officer hereditary system and the Garrison System,and it aims to cultivate military talents for future offcial appointments.Jewim martial art inherited the form of the martial art in Song Dynasty,blended with its own system characteristics and the need of rule.After the long period of budding and brewing from Hongwu to Xuande,it finally established this system in 1441 AD,and at the same time promulgated Martial "learning regulations".After that,the system of Jewim was reorganized and reestablished in the period from Chenghua to Jiajing ruling years,also it had improved the " learning regulations" and other related systems,which indicated that the system of Jewim entered to the stage of normalization,and it applied a lot of talents to Ming court through the imperial examinations.However,with the change of the political and military environment,the martial education failed to adapt to the development of the times and stepped into the rigidity,which had an influence on the political situation of the Ming Dynasty.By observing the whole process of the development of Jewim martial system,it played a certain role not only in improving the culture and military accomplishment of military attache,but also occupying an important position in the history of ancient Chinese military education.What's more,it also left us great lessons like managing country with both the civil and military thinking,adapting to the development and changes as situation changes,putting a high value on supporting system construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Jewim martial, provincial examination, imperial examination
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