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Research On Feng Minchang's Calligraphy

Posted on:2018-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the Qianjia period in Qing dynasty,Lingnan calligraphy has witnessed a great development,represented by many high-profile calligraphers like Feng Minchang,who is the most prominent figure in calligraphy in this period.Together with LiJian,Song xiang,Wu Rongguang,he is referred as "Top Four Lingnan Calligraphers of middle Qingdynasty".This article dividends into four parts to study Feng Minchan's calligraphy.The first part outlines the life and experiences,as well as his friendship and travel experiences.The second partanalyses his calligraphy style,learning experiences,and how he elaborated thesource of the calligraphy style.After he started to study Wang Xianzhi'scalligraphy style and investigated the book of "Lanting",etc.The third part discusses Feng Minchang's academic concepts such as "the first and most important thing of calligraphy is the way of holding the pen".He also advocates that calligraphy,painting,poetry style should be coherent,especially the principle that the brush should be applied forcibly to ensure it is clumsy style.The fourth part discusses Feng Minchang calligraphy art achievements and its status and influence in Lingnan calligraphy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Feng Minchang, Calligraphy, The four requirements and the four avoidances
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