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A Practice Translation Report Of A Contract On The Delivery Of An Electricity Generating Set

Posted on:2018-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y T E L M A N O V A MaFull Text:PDF
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China is a country with an ancient culture and philosophy,one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a millennial history.This makes the Chinese language very popular among historians,philosophers,philologists,scientists and tourists.However,at the moment,China is the most rapidly developing country,strategic partner and good neighbour of the Russian Federation.Not only tourists and researchers but also entrepreneurs of large and small businesses,students and schoolchildren are now interested in visiting China.Such a partnership relationship leads to an increased demand for accurate and competent translation of specific documentation,which in turn necessitates the study of texts of various styles and from different spheres.This study focuses on the translation and analysis of the translation of a contract text for the supply of one electric generator unit equipment for the needs of Branch of JSC "OGK-2" Troitskaya GRES.Pre-translation preparation was completed;the language features and examples of transformations used in the translation were identified during the work.Among the translation transformations the following were highlighted: parts of speech replacement;contextual replacement;lexical addition;omission;change of word order.To conclude,the results and difficulties faced when performing this translation were summed up.
Keywords/Search Tags:technical translation, document translation, contrastive analysis
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