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The New Changes Of Chinese Appellation

Posted on:2015-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330491463506Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The appellations in modern Chinese underwent a great change in their forms,meanings,using conditions and the factors that determine which of them are used.This paper takes the change of appellations from the 1990s as the research object,analyzes the transition trend by combining the diachronic evolution and the synchronic discussion of the unconventional use.Furthermore,reasons will be given to account for the change.The paper consists of five chapters.In the introduction part,the author summarizes the existing research accomplishments and points out their shortage,based on which the author puts forward the significance of her research,the methods she's going to take,the data sources.She also gives a specific definition of appellations and classifies them after referring to the previous publications.The second chapter intends to outline the change of various appellations and their unconventional use from five aspects:family,neighbor,teacher and student,schoolmate,colleague,stranger.The author then analyzes the restricting factors that might influence how these appellations are used.The third chapter based on the dissertation in the second chapter,elaborately discussed the latest developing trend of appellations in recent years.From the aspect of form,there is a huge emergence of appellations as well as a change of the mechanism that determines how they develop.From the aspect of semantics,the appellations vary in their emotional inclinations.Lastly,from the aspect of pragmatics,appellations,especially those in the areas of family,gender and age,are more and more used in the areas that they do not belong to originally.The fourth chapter tries to account for the change of appellations both from the factors within language and outside language.Social culture,people's ideas and politeness serving as the factors that are beyond language itself affect the use of appellations.At the same time,the incompleteness,systematicness,efficiency and rhythm of language may also help us understand the change.In the last chapter,the author gives a summary of the main ideas expressed in the paper by emphasizing the recent change of the appellations in modern Chinese language and pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of her research.
Keywords/Search Tags:appellations, recent change, unconventional use, reasons
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