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Research On Social Work Intervention Of Self-management Of Rural Patients With Diabetic

Posted on:2018-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330515951055Subject:Social Work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now,the treatment and control of diabetes has gradually become a social hot issue.Diabetes is a group of metabolic disease characterized by abnormal blood glucose levels,complications and serious consequences,people suffering from diabetes not only to face the psychological anxiety torture,but also always beware of the potential of many complications,the chronic disease can not A long time to hang on the hospital for treatment,in addition to a reasonable drug treatment,control the disease is the most important and most effective means of self-management.With the continuous development of China's economic society,the living standards of the broad masses of people in rural areas continue to improve,the incidence of diabetes was a significant upward trend.Urban and rural integration changes,changes in diet,shorten working hours and other reasons to make the prevalence of diabetes in rural areas than in the past.Although the rural areas have received more medical resources in the context of national emphasis on the equalization of basic public health services,rural people's attention to chronic diseases has been greatly improved,but the scale of rural diabetes is still growing,The proportion of patients with pre-diabetes in rural areas and even with the city,and even a place where the "diabetes village." But because of the low level of scientific and health knowledge in rural areas,there are many errors in the cognition of diabetes,so that the phenomenon of self-management or self-management of scientific methods is neglected.Therefore,special attention needs to be paid.In view of the control characteristics of rural diabetes mellitus,the involvement of social work will be feasible and effective.In this paper,we selected the Xugangtun village and Fuhai village of Huangzhen township of Heze as the main investigation.The author and the local hospital chronic disease room,the village health room staff to understand the local diabetes patients self-management behavior problems,and refer to the literature and the actual situation analysis of the causes of the problem,and then try to convene the survey area willing to diabetes patients Form a supportive group,inviting professional physicians as a guide to these patients to start a social work group involved.Under the guidance of the social workers' guidance and the scientific health knowledge of the professional physicians,the members of the group gradually open their hearts and exchanged messages,experiences,lessons,mutual encouragement,mutual support and support so that the group formed the awareness of everyone to achieve self-management Science,state of mind science,method of scientific atmosphere,in this atmosphere combined with family,social and other factors to help the team members to explore their own control of the disease and master the correct self-management methods,and ultimately achieve the purpose of stabilizing blood sugar levels.In the field study,the author found that social work involved in rural patients with diabetes should pay special attention to the cultural level of the owner and the social environment,requiring social workers to be more patience and more in-depth guidance to targeted intervention.This paper,as a practical research article,explores the feasibility,methods and lessons learned from the social work of the group in the intervention of rural chronic diseases,so as to draw lessons for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural Patients with Diabetic, self-management, social work
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