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Research On County-level Detention House Design In South China

Posted on:2017-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LingFull Text:PDF
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The detention house is in accordance with the existing laws,regulations,rules and regulations and the relevant provisions of and set criminal places of detention,unified by the public security department is responsible for the management,is the criminal justice system of our country carrying the fight against crime,the important functions of crime prevention function.So the administrative area of the county level or above is set up,which is under the jurisdiction of the public security organ at the same level.County Detention house belong to the grassroots public security departments.The topic for three reasons: one is the detention center construction demand is relatively large;the two is the theoretical research on the architectural design of the relevant aspects of the weak;the three is the actual project I undertake County Detention Center building design,the thesis summarize the experience and lessons of the project design,for similar design reference.The research content of this paper is the architectural design method and practice strategy of the County Detention Center in the south of China.In order to realize the goal of the thesis,we must study the related theory of the detention center.On the one hand,it is the basic research of the detention center: the research of the basic concepts,basic concepts,historical evolution,judicial procedures,judicial functions and so on.On the other hand,firstly,to establish four main theory as the guiding ideology of the perspective and method: generalized architecture: architecture is generalized from the crowd activities based on the logic of first people activities,then the activities of people there is a demand for space,and then consider according to needs to find the method of how to achieve demand the problem of judicial and prison;the detention related content: due to the current judicial process,large class prison detention center,lack of architectural design theory specifically,only from the prison science to find useful theory;the theory of social space: social space theory reveals the relationship between the social system and architectural space form.The current criminal procedure must rely on the detention center building entity to achieve;methods of Architectural Typology: the judicial building has typical typological features,will naturally go to study this kind of architectural design method using architectural typology to consider the application from specific to general,and from the general to the induction and the analysis method of the individual,mining the construction of the "prototype",so as to construct a variety of space form.Although different detention houses have different shapes,but their prototype is the same,they are the current criminal justice system.The in-depth implementation of the four theories under the guidance of the specific research on detention related content: analysis of all kinds of people,the detention center in the crowd activities and the activities of the various population due to space requirements;several characteristics of induction detention center building: particularity,justice,security,confidentiality and professionalism;the core problem summary design of detention houses to be solved is to achieve isolation and security under the strict management according to law." Four elements of the core issues are: Law,isolation,security,management.Which is the legal basis,isolation is functional and safety requirements,management is the means;clear the detention center building design goals and three design principles: classification of vigilance principle;security principle;implementing judicial principles.After theoretical analysis to explore the practice strategy of the detention center building design: including the construction to determine the size,location,function division,prison space type,detention space structure,space structure,management of special building space form,double channel,safety design concept,design concept and so on disaster prevention.And then four case studies summarize the experience and lessons summarized architectural design: the integration of building functional layout ideas;space layout reflects the prison management concept;inspection and safety design;the need to strengthen some of the architectural design problems.It is judged several development trend of detention center construction: improve the living environment,improve the detention space management personnel working environment and supervision diversified architectural space combined area,the trend of information management,the trend of building ecological trends and so on.The last chapter is conclusion: architectural design prototype is the current criminal judicial system and criminal judicial procedure;the architectural design of the detention center to meet the isolation and security functions in accordance with the law under the management;the whole process of the architectural design should follow the alert classification,safety,implementing judicial three principles;the South County guard Institute of architectural design and to scale based control building and facilities,and adopt the design strategy of climate adaptability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Design of detention house, Supervision, Architectural typology
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