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Research And Design Of The Integrated Automatic Setting Machine

Posted on:2015-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H HaoFull Text:PDF
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As a brick wall material,has been widely used in various industries.With the rapid development of the domestic urban and rural areas,brick material has appeared in short supply on the market,while traditional brick technology and code blank technology has been unable to meet the needs of the market,coupled with significantly improved people's living standards,high intensity physical labor is mental gradually being replaced,which means intelligent code blank machine is the product of the times.At present,some of the code blank mechanical problems in many ways,with domestic demand-related aspects of the contrast between the large,compared with developed countries,there is a big gap.So for code blank machine automation,intelligent development and popularization is particularly important.In this paper,theoretical research and practical experience combined method of the key parameters of integrated automatic code blank machine's overall structure and design agencies analysis,combined with the movement between agencies in ensuring the completion of certain functional requirements Based on its main structure and motion parameters integration,and ultimately determine the overall program.SimulationXpress use Solidworks model in finite element analysis,the key components of the strength and stiffness of verification,establish three-dimensional model.According to various design requirements and major motion parameters corresponding to parts processing and heat treatment,and complete installation and commissioning in the assembly code blank machine platform.Experiments show that air travel to meet the design requirements.Actual data recording in the field,no security risks,the performance and stability,basically solved the mechanical shaking of big,big overall quality,difficult maintenance and insert blank,blank out,pour billets and other issues,to meet production needs,suitable for bulk production.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brick, Integrated, automatic setting machine, 3Dmodel, Solidworks
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