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Research On Emotion Expression Of Product Design

Posted on:2018-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ShuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330512991661Subject:Master of Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of industrial technology and innovation in recent years,product design is not limited to traditional design mode,many new concepts arise,there are more and more scholars,designers begin to pay attention to the product user experience and emotional expression.With the deepening of the research design psychology,emotional expression as passing the connotation of product design methods are constantly in-depth study.Cognitive psychologists believe that the emotion as a indispensable part of human life,will be how to influence consumers in the process of consumer perception,thinking about how to produce behavior,how to do it.Emotion does not only mean the word emotion,cognitive psychology think no emotional cognitive is not entirely cognitive.American Cognitive psychology professor Mitchell(Walter designed)Cognitive-emotional Personality system(Cognitive,Affective move Syetem,hereinafter referred to as the CAPS)in the study will appear in the process of Cognitive human five psychological Cognitive representation,the five kinds of Cognitive representation in the Cognitive process of human Personality system interaction,mutual influence.On the other hand,in the product design,product design and the expression of emotion to form a good bond between consumers and products.Therefore,through to the psychological cognitive psychology of cognitive psychology,the consumers for the product of academic research in the full understanding of its cognitive psychology on product,how to express feelings of product design fully become an important research topic.The emotional expression in the product design is mainly based on the deep research in the theory of cognitive psychology in the CAPS,the two cognitive unit,namely the five mental representation in the process of cognitive prototype unit,self delay unit.System deeply and corresponding design elements of product design,through the emotional expression in the process of product design elements can be as much as possible to meetconsumer demand for products in the process of cognitive emotion in.This article through studies the five mental representation prototype of cognitive psychology to product design elements in the different ways of emotional expression corresponding to the five kinds of cognitive representation,and by the Italian emotional expression method of product design,try to explore expression of emotion in the design of products in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:product design, emotional expression, cognitive psychology
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