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Guanyinyan Hydropower Station Project Construction Cost Control Research

Posted on:2017-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J WuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,national support for energy-saving environmental protection industry focus,especially for clean energy,is attracting more and more attention to,clean energy alternative to traditional thermal power trend is more and more obvious,just a few years,in China especially the southwest provinces,large and small hydropower station intensive construction.For a long time,due to the influence of traditional planned economy thinking mode,for hydropower station construction process cost control research is not much,and there is no a system and operation methods of cost control,construction of hydropower project cost control is always in a state of passive control and dynamic control is not much,and then evolved for the construction cost control,is the main performance of "Three-",namely the final accounts exceeds the budget,the budget exceeds the budget,super budget estimates.In the context of the state vigorously promoting market-oriented pricing,the construction cost of a hydropower station has a decisive role in the formation of electricity price,which is a key indicator to measure the level of production management of hydropower enterprises.In order to improve the core competitiveness of China's hydropower development enterprises in the market,improve the rate of hydropower investment,study and explore the to set up a set of complete,system,cost control method for the whole process of hydropower engineering construction with Chinese characteristics is very urgent and necessary.This paper will use the project management theory and the method of the combination of the practice of the construction of the goddess of the rock and hydropower station,and discuss the whole process cost control of the construction of the hydropower project.This paper starts from the background of the construction of Guanyinyan dropower Station,the station location of Guanyinyan Hydropower,nature,transportation,building construction project of hydropower station,through the introduction of domestic and oreign research status of cost control,expounds the main objectives of this research,ontent and practical significance;second is the use of the school knowledge of project anagement,project cost control theory and method of the project and project cost,ccording to the present situation of the cost control;third stations to analyze the existing problems of Guanyinyan Hydropower,according to the analysis of the problems of esearch put forward specific methods of cost control of Guanyinyan Hydropower tation,in order to avoid the risk of cost control of Guanyinyan station hydropower,ensure uanyinyan Hydropower Station Cost controllability,cost control in the implementation f the budget,and as far as possible to save the project Construction costs,the ultimate oal is to achieve cost,schedule,quality,safety indicators of harmony and unity..The although of Guanyinyan Hydropower Station of the case,but domestic hydropower project construction have the common points and cost control of the overall train of thought and method applicable to all hydropower project,which can be used for reference to improve the investment benefit of hydropower,hydropower development enterprises in market competition in an invincible position.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guanyin hydropower station, construction cost, control
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