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Design And Research Of The Therapeutic Landscape Of Urban Medical Institutions

Posted on:2017-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid economic development of China,promote an accelerated pace of residents life.The fast paced lifestyle has triggered a series of social and environmental problems,which lead to the decrease of the people health index.At the same time,the fast paced lifestyle also brings heavy burdens to urban medical institutions.Nowadays,the majority of urban medical institutions are focus on the power of medicine and building of the medical facilities.But they ignore the medical institutions of the outdoor landscape,which are not aware of the importance of landscape environment.The chaotic environment leads to decline in medical image and make psychology of the patient resist medical institutions,but also reduces the working efficiency of the medical staff,and it makes also psychology of the visitors increase burden.According to the above problems,the environmental design of urban medical institutions is becoming more and more important,which derive the design of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions.This paper analyzes the design of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions,and put mainly on the concept of the design of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions,which explores systematically the design of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions rules and methods so as to enhances the external image of medical institutions and improves the medical work of staff work efficiency,the key is to help patients recover faster.The paper is divided into six parts on the structure and content.The first part is the introduction,mainly on the research background,research significance,research content,research status and methods are expatiated;the second part mainly outlines the theory of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions,expounds the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions of the definition,type,function and other aspects;the third part is the design and research of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions,combined with the case and field research conducted in-depth analysis,mainly discussed from the overall and local aspects,overall aspect is analyzed from the relationship between the medical environment and medical building and the local aspect is from the city of medical institutions,supporting the construction of roads,vegetation,water,pieces of the fourth part is to study in detail;The third part is the design and research of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions,combined with case and field research conducted in-depth analysis,mainly carries on the elaboration from macro and micro aspects,macroscopic aspect is analyzed from the relationship between medical environment and medical buildings and people.The microcosmic is from the urban medical institution road,vegetation,supporting the building,waterscape,sketch are introduced in detail;The fifth part is about the urban medical institution therapeutic landscape security strategies and suggestions for the development and trend of,security strategy of landscape is put forward mainly lies in the medical therapeutic landscape can continue recycling,protection and rehabilitation function,reduce the cost of medical institutions,the proposal is for development of urban medical institution rehabilitation landscape can better and rehabilitation of landscape not only in medical institutions,but also to other areas of the rehabilitation landscape of the expanding exploration;The sixth part is the summary of the article,clarify the innovation of the article,put forward the problems and shortcomings of the article.The whole article form a distinct level,which carry out the study of therapeutic landscape for the urban medical institutions from shallow to deep,trying to provide some references for the design and development of the therapeutic landscape of urban medical institutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical Institutions, Therapeutic Landscape, Therapeutic design
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