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The Research On Critical Literati Character Of Wang Shu's Architecture

Posted on:2014-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330422490376Subject:Architectural History and Theory
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Facing the rapid expansion of urbanization, the loss of traditional architecturalculture,"unnatural deaths" architecture, and the emerge of "ephemeral architecture",contemporary Chinese architectural practice has always been in the awkward of"style" and "likeness", and hovering between the "return to tradition" or "step tomodernization". In the nearly three decades of rapid construction, it is a big questionfor those who concern about China's urbanization that where will Chinesearchitecture develop into. By this time, Wang Shu has got the Chinese first PulitzerArchitecture Prize winner, which seems to have special meaning. In this thesis,kinds of methods such as literature review, examples citing, fieldwork andinterdisciplinary are used, trying to fully resolve Wang Shu's creative ideas andmethods, interpret the distinctive characteristics of his works, and informing themeaning of his works.First of all, Wang Shu has a kind of marginal thinking, which doesn't flow withthe others. He adheres to the independent insight and integrity, not just parroting.His is criticized and questioned about the existing design and architectural educationsystem. While he also establishes his unique ideas and design concepts to deal withor try to change secular status quo. The edge of the mainstream actually has someimpact on it. Wang Shu seems to be far from the mainstream, dilutes standards,contemplates with the Modern, he faces with the the "professional" mechanical,rigid and out of life in an "amateur" attitude; Facing those numb replication history,natural landscape gradually disintegrated system and hollow rigid urbanconstruction in reality which seems gorgeous; He uses the unique "literati"mentality, the " literati " feelings, fun and creativity to resist the bulk copy,numbing repetition and boring of professional architects. He focuses on thearchitectural design which can reflects the taste of traditional charm and garden, andattempts to narrow the estranged relationship between Heaven and people; He isdifferent from most of the "overall" design, he played down the establishedhierarchical order, and begins to do in the design itself, in order to do the things onlyfor the real details of daily life concerns and repeated scrutiny for enlightenment. Hedoesn't concern about the depth of meaning, but returning the rights of explaining tothe individual, to make those daily neglected things reversed in a secondary positionto become a major object of attention. This does not flow with the same marginalthinking, so that he deviates from the orthodox, away from the routine, unlike themainstream public, but the real return to real life, to return to China's domesticarchitecture. Secondly, the deconstruction of tradition in an experimental seclusion way isthe creative technique to express character of Wang Shu's works. He arises milletLei's sad on the tradition, and is far away from the way of numb copied tradition.But he developed a unique and valuable way to explore the expression of tradition.Wang Shu deconstructs the traditional architecture with established principles in away of traditional historical evolution of the "experimental" method. In the processof the form, wang shu constructs the traditional image of the old, interface, fixedcombination rule and the composition of system, and recombines, diverse changesand deduces on the basis of retain the essence of tradition, an transfers tradition tomodern, and make the building has a double or even multiple value; On the spacedesign, Wang Shu make the profound comprehension of the essence of garden-freedom, polysemy and some unreasonable stack into the modern space, scale andfunction, in order to try to make people realize the real and rich texture of buildingpleasure and freedom in a way far from orthodoxy; On the details, he quotes andorganizes the traditional building materials, symbols, and these tectonic node whichare in a weak voice to the status of the traditional elements. Wang shu is trying tomake these historical "discard" melting into a new individual, so as to give the valueof these fragments of history to be more active.Finally, a fusion of ancient and modern variant is the characteristic of criticalliterati character of Wang Shu's architecture. In the face of the expansion of the cityand its construction disordered, Wang shu upholds the critical literati character toreflect on the key of the city in his work or words. It seems to be in the timemachine when visiting the Wang Shu's works, his works are exploratory, and willgive the architectural languages which people has accustomed to a newinterpretation to make people realize the strong modern things when they are at thetraditional artistic conception. In this way, the works of Wang Shu present adifferent form which contains the fusion of ancient and modern time and space. Hetranslates the Chinese traditional layout which is about the relationship of the natureand building and gardening technique in scale in a modern way, and makes theprimary and secondary relations of the building and the environment, building andconstruction, building its own to shift. He emphasizes on the pedigree of thearchitectural language of hierarchies, and he thinks any elements in the design havemotile and extraordinary power; Wang shu dilutes the clear boundaries of thetradition and modern to make the same architectural scene, building facades and themorphology present a different atmosphere and practical experience which mayconfuse the actual feeling of people; Wang shu pays attention to express the thetraditional symbol and the verve of texture signs in a new order, and make it presenta new temperament and meaning on the base of the respect for the history ratherthan the premise of imitation. This article attempts to form a relatively comprehensive and objectiveunderstanding of Wang Shu's works through the analysis of his architecturalcreation thought, design methods and the characteristics of the works. And attemptto in order to probe how architects should handle the issues of the traditional culturein the new era. so as to arouse the value of reconsidering the philosophy of thetraditional architecture in the architecture world, and of how to express thetraditional culture in contemporary ways in the architecture design in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Shu, critical literati character, not with flow, the experimentalreclusion, a fusion of ancient and modern
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