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The Research Of Cost Management Of HTH Real Estate Company

Posted on:2015-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J MengFull Text:PDF
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In rencent years,the govenment continues to strengthen macro-control of the real estate marketing. With the change of the socialist market economy, the competition is growing and the real estate enterprise is facing a more serious test. Real estate enterprises competition pattern will be changed, the whole industry will experience the market reshuffle and the survival of the fittest. In the new market competition, the real estate enterprises must put the project cost controls as the important key and strengthen the effective management, to improve the competitiveness of the enterprises and achieve maximum economic benefits. According to this, it is important to strengthen cost control and management to improve enterprise economic benefits and market competitive power.In this paper, it’s based on the background of the increasing pressure of real estate project development cost, analyzing the current situation of the real estate industry in our country and explaining the significance of the topic in the theory and practice. Cost control can not only promote the enterprises to improve operation and management of the power, is also the important condition of establishing the economic responsibility system in the company. In this paper, the author is aimed at the whole process of impact on the cost of the larger stage and link, analyzing the cost control from the stages of the project decision-making, project design, project general contracting stage and project construction stage. This paper based on the project cost management system can improve the HTH real estate company cost management level, improve the competitiveness of the enterprises and realize sustainable development providing some experience for reference, to promote the real estate enterprise profit space and achieve the goal of sustainable development,maximize the economic benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cost Management, Cost Control, Real Estate Projects
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