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The Research On The Market Development Strategy Of Shandong Postal Service Station In Rural Areas

Posted on:2016-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R W BeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461995225Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, the process of interest rate oriented reform to speed up the country, the booming of Internet financial, quickly penetrate into rural and community banks; Ali and Jingdongelectric business giants to thecountryside, rural areas become the main battlefield of e-commerce competition. Shandong postal service for the convenience of since 2010 began to actively layout "rural" market, to the end of 2014, has been built in rural service station 61000,completed the rural administrative village of 91% coverage rate. However,the basic to achieve full coverage of theadministrative village case, there to join the less attractive, income is not high, the information is not perfect and so on. In order to meet the needs of enterprise development, Shandong postal service for the convenience to re-examine the rural market and the internal and external environment needs, making the competitive strategy and the feasible measures. It has certain theoretical value and practical significance of the topic in this paper. Its theoretical significance through the internal and external environment of the postal service for the convenience of the rural market and Shandong station analysis, proposed for the rural market competition strategy, which can provide some reference value for the management of rural market competition. Its practical significance is for Shandong postal convenience service station to participate in the fierce market competition and gain competitive advantage in rural areas, thus the healthy and sustainable development to provide some help.From writing to have a look, this thesis adopts the research methods of literature,relevant documents had access to the relevant literature and the postal system, master the relatedtheoretical background and theoretical knowledge, learning the relevant theory research methods, such as "competitive strategy" "development strategy" theory, to understand the form of competition, category, for postal service station to provide a theoretical basis in the rural market competition. At the same time, through the investigation of Shandong postal convenienceservice station, this paper will through the collection, collation and analysis of a large number ofdata and information platform of postal service for the convenience of operation in the postal service for the convenience of comparison, station and other business, express delivery companies in the rural market,covering business management form, the scope and coverage area, layout profit model, the advantages and disadvantages of postal service for the convenience of clear in many enterprises, that is suitable for Shandong postal convenienceservice station in rural market competition strategy Conclusion: convenience service station of rural competition strategy of Shandong postal scalecompetition strategy. Moreover, according to the scale competitive strategic planning, Shandong postal service for the convenience of location in the "Pratt & Whitney service" concept, in the electronic commerce, financial services,intelligent life as the focus, to create "Pratt & Whitneybusiness + financial + Pratt &Whitney Pratt & Whitney life" service brand, deep in rural market.In order to fully guarantee the Shandong postal convenience service station in the rural marketcompetition strategy.This paper to Shandong postal convenience service station in rural marketcompetition strategyof scale are analyzed in detail, and innovation of the paper are accurate and reliable.One is thedevelopmentof Shandong postal convenience services in rural station to take the competition strategy based on scale, pointed out the direction for the sustainable and healthy development;second, on the basis of SWOT analysis, the advantages, Shandong postal service for the convenience of station, opportunities and threats and weaknesses are discussed, improve theeffectiveness of the scale of competition strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Postal convenience service station, Large-scale, Low-cost competitive strategy, Security measures
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