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Research On ERP Application Schedule For DF Company

Posted on:2016-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461980673Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the early days of business computing, companies used to write their own software to control their business processes. This is an expensive approach. Since many of these processes occur in common across various types of businesses, common reusable software may provide cost-effective alternatives to custom software. Thus some ERP software caters to a wide range of industries from service sectors like software vendors,The company take advantage of company take advantage of ERP to make a useful and long term scheme. Afterwards, they will receive benefit from it, every department could obtain information in time. They will optimize business technological process and enhance management level. When they reduce the cost, their profit would be increase. Finally, the quality of production will enhance. Under these conditions, the implementation of ERP is especially important.Implementing an ERP system is among the most expensive,time-consuming and complicated tasks an IT department can take on,The potential for delays and unexpected expenses lurk around every corner。To make ERP System play its due role,not just rely on the computer running the software also need a set of effective implementation method, so I combined with practical work,the implementation of ERP project as research subject,aimed at all stages of implementation from the ERP project implementation process,summed up a set of feasible ERP implementation plan, provide solutions to the possible risks, provide reference for the success of ERP project.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information system, ERP, User requirements
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