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The Study Of Migrant Workers’ Citizenization In The Perspective Of New Developmentalism

Posted on:2016-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the issue of migrant worker’ citizenization is attracting increasing attention. Not only does the country keep introducing policies to speed up the progress, but also sectors of the society urge improving relevant mechanisms. However, a slow progress is made and a drawback of traditional developmentalism is clear, that is, much attention is paid on economic development while coordinated development in other areas is ignored.Former researches on this issue mainly focus on policy design, but lack deep investigations on the root causes which prevent migrant worker’ citizenization and the endogenous driving force which results in the transformation. This paper, from the perspective of new developmentalism, analyzes the barriers that prevent migrant workers from becoming urban residents. The author, based on "integral", "endogenous" and "comprehensive" development, three key words that the new developmentalism concept highlights, argues that there are three deep-rooted causes for these barriers, namely, emphasis on city modernization without human modernization, emphasis on basic subsistence without self-reliance cultivation, emphasis on individual development without collective development.This paper, combining the new development concept with its improved version-the scientific development concept, concludes that more efforts should be made in reforming policies, enhancing consumption, encouraging business startups and promoting communication so as to further improve the speed and quality of the work by improving both external environment and endogenous driving force.
Keywords/Search Tags:new developmentalism, migrant worker, citizenization
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