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Researches On Development Strategy Of SS Company

Posted on:2015-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461974550Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is the research of development strategy for SS company. There are six chapters which cover the research background, research method, research goal,external opportunities and threats analysis, internal strength and weakness analysis, the development strategies creation of SS, the tactical assurance of strategy implement and the strategy control and evaluation system.Eight aspects seriously restrict the development of SS and need improving, they are:1) there is no any space for further expansion due to the limits of factory size and environmental protection policy; 2) there is no independent marketing channels, the markets and customers are controlled by trading companies; 3) there is no powerful service team in the oversea, and the service people in China can’t offer the close and immediate customer service because of different time zone and language barrier; 4) there is no dedicated research and development department for sustainable, normative, advancing technology development and innovation;5)the cost is higher and higher;6)there is no quike turn service and can’t take the order with lead time of 3-5 days;7)the average price isn’t high due to the low percentage of high end projects;8) there lacks an effective and comprehensive performance management system, which leads to low efficiency in the processes;By analyzing the external and internal environments of SS and employing the SWOT model, the direction strategy of growth is determined to avoid external challenges and overcome internal weakness. And differentiation competition strategy is determined to establish successful product positioning and strategies on high mix, low volume, high technic and quick turn delivery.The tactical assurance for strategy implementation is formulated focusing on the organization structure rebuilding, marketing, technology innovation, manufacturing management, human resources and finance to ensure more effective and efficient strategy implement.Finally, the strategic control and evaluation system are discussed. The comprehensive performance management system is applied to monitor and evaluate the strategy which needs dynamic innovations during the process of implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:PCB, Development strategy, Strategy assurance, Strategy control
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