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The Study Of The Influence Of International Trade、FDI And Technological Progress For The Leapfrog Development In Xinjiang

Posted on:2015-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452993702Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent decades, our country changed greatly, society and economy get the rapiddevelopment and People’s material and cultural aspects are satisfied. Although China’seconomic development has get a brilliant achievement, but still there are some problems inthe development process. The unbalanced economic development is a serious problem,eastern, central and western economic development level still have a gap, among them thatwestern region’s development is the most backward, and it’s not conform to the need of thenew era of building a harmonious society in China. Therefore, reducing the gap betweenChina’s economic development zones is an important task in the process of our socialistconstruction. In this paper, we study mainly referring to the western regions of Guangxi,Guizhou and Chongqing, Tibet, Gansu, Ningxia, Sichuan, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia,Yunnan, Shanxi province.Xinjiang is located at the western frontier, and economic development level is relativelybackward. But due to special geographical location and adjacent to central Asia, Xinjiang isthe bridgehead of contact with the central Asian countries, and at the same time it is thestrategic area of our country’s economic development. The party has always beenunswervingly developing the economy in Xinjiang, and Xinjiang’s development stays in animportant strategic area in our country. Xinjiang is becoming more and more important in thewestern region and even the status of China’s economic development strategy, the top priorityin Xinjiang that is speed up the leapfrog development of Xinjiang. In the western regionXinjiang economic development speed is faster, and due to the geographical advantages ofXinjiang, mineral resources advantage and economic complementary advantages with itsneighboring countries, Xinjiang has become the important strategic area of our country.Although, to promote leapfrog development in Xinjiang will meet a lot of difficulties, but it’snecessary to analyze influencing factors of great-leap-forward development in the Midwestand specific to Xinjiang. The main influencing factors are obtained by empirical research; ithas a certain realistic guiding significance to the local government to achieve leapfrogdevelopment in Xinjiang. This paper is based on the theoretical foundation of the great-leap-forward development,we get the influencing factors of the leapfrog development from review. The three maininfluencing factors are International trade, FDI, technological progress, and from the threeinfluencing factors to analyze current situation of the leap-forward development in Xinjiang.The necessity and feasibility of leapfrog development in Xinjiang are analyzed in secondchapter, which analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of leap-forward development inXinjiang, and the main purpose of analysis is to explain Xinjiang has the requirement ofleapfrog development. The third chapter is the emphasis and innovation points of this paper.First, the author analyzes the reasons of choice the western region to compare, following bythe analysis of measure selection of leap-forward development indicators, the three indicatorsare selected, respectively is per capita GDP difference, composite index of industrial structure,the well-off composite index. On the basis of the three indicators of leap-forwarddevelopment of Xinjiang with the rest of the western region of the three aspects ofdevelopment compared to realize the leapfrog development in Xinjiang. Finally, the Xinjianginternational trade, FDI, technological advances how to influence the realization of leapfrogdevelopment in Xinjiang has carried on the empirical research analysis conclusion, combinedwith the conclusion and puts forward constructive policy recommendations to further advanceXinjiang great-leap-forward development.
Keywords/Search Tags:The international trade, FDI, Advance in technology, Leapfrogdevelopment, Xinjiang
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