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E-business Research Of Coal Exchange Market Based On Value Chain

Posted on:2012-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452962067Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long period, the coal order-placing meeting has been the main channel for domesticcoal selling. It’s the product of the planned economy, and has resulted in a yearlyconcentrated trading pattern for the both supply and demand sides of coal and coal power.However, this ordering pattern which has high cost, low efficiency and deviating from themarket economic rule has been far away from the demand of modern economicdevelopment. From2005to2009, the government has carried out different policy andinstruction to promote the e-commerce of coal trade.How to re-adjust the value chain of coal industry, improve the ordering efficiency of coalindustry, reduce the operation cost, and boost the value chain of coal industry by force ofe-commerce has been the main problem of the coal industry. XX Coal Exchange Marketappeared on the turning point of historic time when coal industry transited from theplanned economy to the market economy. By taking both the coal power plan and marketeconomy into consideration, the market established a third-party multi-mode e-commerceplatform of bulk commodity for coal industry.The article mainly analyzed the e-commerce policy surroundings and application situation of thedomestic coal industry; researched the founding chance, founding meaning and main target of the XXCoal Exchange Market; studied the value chain of the XX Coal Exchange Market which supplied thethird-party industry e-commerce solution as the main business, and put forward the value chain modelof the enterprise; investigated the e-commerce solutions of the XX Coal Exchange Market includingbusiness mode, system structure, platform service, value-added service, bank cooperation. The articlealso discussed the e-commerce value activities of the XX Coal Exchange Market from thepoint of value chain, summed up the business high lights of the market and analyzed thecompetitive edge and value activities of the market, providing a demonstration for thee-commerce development of kindred enterprises.This article has five chapters. The first chapter expounded the research background and meaning of thearticle, the current e-commerce situation of the domestic coal exchange market, research matter andmethod; the second chapter mainly demonstrated the relative concept of e-commerce and value chain,and summarized the impact of enterprises’ value chain characters under e-commerce surrounding andeffects of ecommerce on enterprises’ value chain; the third chapter analyzed the founding backgroundand the business demand of the XX Coal Exchange Market, and brought forward its value chain modeletc.; the fourth chapter fully set forth the e-commerce solutions of the XX Coal Exchange Market; thefifth chapter analyzed and evaluated the added-value of each value chain link of the exchange market byvalue chain analysis method; finally, the article summed up and looked into the e-commerce solution ofthe XX Coal Exchange Market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Value Chain, E-business, Coal Industry, Research
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