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Research On Building System Of Staff Training In A Guarantee Company

Posted on:2015-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431978712Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today’s economic development has entered a stage of development ofknowledge-based economy, the vast majority of today’s businesses are information andknowledge to promote their own development, and only through training in order toprovide scientific and technological information, knowledge and relevant skills, andultimately enhance the quality of employees staff training is also achieved better andfaster development of the strategic requirements. Today’s businesses are increasinglyconcerned about the economic value of staff training, staff training as a capitalinvestment. Training is vital and important content of the corporate human resourcesmanagement is the main way to improve staff quality, the ability of the business the keyto success in a competitive market economy.The actual departure from A Company, first described the company’s current stafftraining profiles and human resources development. Combined with business trainingprogress on the basis of the existing problems in the training of the A Company,summed up the causes of the problems analyzed, and then by introducing the successfulexperience of the staff training at home and abroad, to further build a suitable employeetraining system of A Company, and finally through the current problems at home andabroad advanced experience of a specific security training system that can effectivelybuild the countermeasures and suggestions. This paper from the theoretical point oftraining needs and enterprise development and its employees to analyze, theoptimization of employee training system, will play a great role in promoting thedevelopment of the company. This article believe that, scientific A Company employeeswith effective training, training out in line with the A Company development ofmanagement personnel, technical personnel and craftsmen talent, promote A Companystrategic concept implementation has a very important of significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Staff Training, System Build, Research
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