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And The Fraudulent Purchase Of Affordable Housing-related Research Misconduct

Posted on:2015-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YangFull Text:PDF
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Affordable housing is materialized in the form of the State in an urban housing policy to protect vulnerable groups, to solve the housing difficulties of urban low-income families has played a positive role. However, in the development and construction of affordable housing in the process, buyers who purchase fake information, purchase secret operations during the review process useless, and the persons taking bribes and countless other problems. A huge difference between the temptation of affordable housing and housing for bartering create the space, a large number of those who do not meet the conditions for the fraudulent purchase of fraudulent purchase success bribe staff with approval of the relevant regulatory authority units or departments. In the case of power constraints and lack of strong oversight," the abuse of power " phenomenon is inevitable and occur.With affordable housing problems exposed more serious, academic circles fraudulent purchase of affordable housing acts carried out study and research, but the behavior associated with the fraudulent purchase of misconduct theoretical discussion is still blank. Malfeasance and affordable housing-related misconduct as an emerging, in the case of qualitative losses identified, causality, etc. are considered worth exploring From the perspective of the author Crimes Investigation practice, combined with participation in handling judicial practice in a city housing authority staff suspected of dereliction of duty cases, involving malfeasance affordable housing analysis and research, aimed at assessing the affordable housing system, and proposed prevention and control of such malfeasance countermeasures and suggestions.State government workers in full regulatory responsibilities affordable housing purchase approval process, through embezzlement, inspired leadership, money, etc., does not perform its regulatory duties properly, resulting in the purchase does not meet the conditions for the success of the perpetrator fraudulent purchase of affordable housing, inflicting huge economic losses. Behavior of staff of state organs shall constitute malfeasance these criminal law sense.Affordable housing as a matter of livelihood, minli, popular works, is directly related to the vital interests of social harmony and stability, and low-income people Misconduct and fraudulent purchase of affordable housing-related tantamount to the popular works of tumor. In practice, the judiciary should be fully functioning, and the fraudulent purchase of misconduct relating to affordable housing a vigorous investigation, affordable housing policy for the escort.
Keywords/Search Tags:affordable housing, fraudulent purchase, misconduct, fraud, malfeasance infringement
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