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The Behavior Of The Government In The Construction Of Affordable Housing

Posted on:2013-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374462194Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China is undergoing profound social change, the whole economy and society is undergoing profound social change. Products in the transitional period of intense social, how to ensure that the key issues of economic and social development of the normal and orderly ruling party thinking. Something of the Communist Party of China put forward the scientific concept of development. At a practical level, the ongoing efforts to promote the construction of a social "safety net", the construction of affordable housing is the most important focus of social concern. The Government is particularly strong, driven by central government, China’s construction of affordable housing has made considerable achievements and progress., However, must face the reality, the process of construction of affordable housing, a series of confusion and lack of careful analysis, it is not difficult to find the most important, involved in the process the government the burden of affordable housing assumptions influence government to express and achieve through government action. This paper focuses on the actions of the Government in the construction of affordable housing to clear the mechanism, the understanding of the behavior of the government in the Government’s affordable housing construction, and then explore the construction of affordable housing, in-depth on the basis of China’s successful experience abroad and cognitive The behavior of the theoretical model to analyze the best path for government action. This article is divided into seven parts, the words:The first part is the introduction. In the introduction section, mainly to solve three problems. First of all, based on research and seriously explore the significance of thesis writing and research. Clarify the background and scope of the thesis writing. More critical is the achievements and shortcomings of the research scholars to solve this problem, identify the language of the theory of space and the optimization possibilities. And noted that the document may be some innovation and deficiencies.The second part is the theoretical part. In this section, we first define the key concepts and vocabulary of this article. Remove paper from the semantic context. Secondly, the introduction of the front, the article discusses the theoretical basis, in this part is not a simple theory of dogmatic statement is a tendentious discussion on the development of the theory papers. The key thing on this issue.The third part is a section to explain the behavior of the Chinese Government in the construction of affordable housing. Speak first, and summed up the government’s actions in the process of development. To give a clear and profound understanding. The same time, the authors use the theoretical tools, in-depth analysis of existing problems, identify the root causes is the first to ask.The fourth part of the knowledge and understanding of the advanced experience of foreign countries. Several typical successful author of the countries discussed in detail, to identify the most critical of which is a clear understanding of, so a more direct and obvious case, the results under the key factors and conditions of the country.The fifth part is an exploration study site construction of affordable housing can still be said to be in the ascendant, the large amount of data is not due to a confusing level of business integrity, publish empirical research is a very difficult thing. Thus, in theory, to explore the Government willing to be able to patterns of behavior.Part Ⅵ pointed out that the level of business practice in order to optimize the path of the current government’s actions. Not a simple interpretation of the empty, but a deep understanding of these issues, and combining with Chinese national conditions, in order to effectively change, based on theoretical analysis based on Nearly willing to ensure the operability of the proposedFinally, summary and a comprehensive summary of the relevant contents of the file.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public housing, Government action, misconduct, Behavior pattern, path
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