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The Design And Implementation Of The Real Estate Property Registration System

Posted on:2017-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330488452328Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of urban estate business, in order to improve the growing business, Land Resources and Housing Authority developed and adopted the estate property information registration system, and achieved good results. But with the deepening of the application, the original business system gets increasingly heavy load and can not meet the increasing demand. Thus, the upgrade for the original system is imminent. With this purpose, we design and implement estate property information registration system. The system designs and implements a new architecture, new workflow engine and a new design idea to make it meet the needs of the management of existing estate.The system adopts Java as development language and uses SSH framework and MVC development pattern. Java has object-oriented features, and developers could model the real objects directly, and it is easy to understand and to use, SSH framework includes Spring, Struts, Hibernate, and effectively supports the MVC model. Struts provides ActionForm and JavaBean Model as part of the MVC pattern, and it provides controllers to realize the Controller part and provides rich JSP tag library to realize JSP. JSP is responsible for displaying the page, and can interact with the Model. Core controller is responsible for intercepting page requests and transferring the request to corresponding processor according to request’s type. Spring provides dependency inversion technique, and writes objects depended by objects into configuration file instead of declaring them inside. Hibernate shields the differences between underlying database query languages and improves the portability of the system.System is divided into business process, comprehensive inquiry, and basic information management. Business process’s functions include system’slogin, business acceptance, preliminary viewing, reviewing, final view, copying license and charges. Comprehensive inquiry includes business inquiry, house inquiry, parcel inquiry, limiting information inquiry, handling business inquiry, back business inquiry, data statistics. Based information management realizes administrator’s responsibility for maintaining basic information, including branch user management, user signature management, user role configuration management, business management, business supervision, flow information configuration, charge project management, advice template management, street town maintenance, number setting, hang management, password resetting, certificate non-use number inquiry and charge state management.After the use of estate property information registration system, it willachievethe integration of information registration, inquiry and statistics analysis, will improvecurrent manual work and improves office efficiency. The system realizes data sharing between applications provided by house Bureau, Land Bureau, estate exchanges. The system makes strictly limitation for each process of data entry,which reduces the occurrence of wrong parts and improves the work efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Real estate property registration system, SSH, Office integration
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