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The Design And Implementation Of The Man-Hour Management System Based On JavaEE

Posted on:2017-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330485980055Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology and the the process of information, increasing competition among enterprises, how to use information technology to improve production management and efficiency has been more and more importance in enterprises. Man-hour management as an important productivity and costing management tools, is very important to the company. Unified and effective management of man-hours can improve labor saturation, time usage and labor productivity. In order to improve their market competitiveness, we must establish an efficient management system. Replacing the original inefficient statistics with computer information management system for automatic statistics management, which not only helps to reduce the inefficient duplication of work, but also improve the accuracy of the company’s production management and cost estimates.Firstly, this paper bases on the the background of the man-hour management system, analyses the functional and non-functional requirement, then uses case diagram and flowchart diagram to describe requirement details.According to the requirement analyzing, the paper gives the system architecture design. Firstly, paper puts up system design goals and principles based on the system requirements, then paper designs technology architecture and functional architecture. Considering the scalability, maintainability and performance, the man-hour management system uses JavaEE 3-tier architecture. After analyzing the popular frameworks and the basic principles of software design, system uses Spring framework as the main backend framework and uses Hibernate as persistence framework. System uses AngularJS as main frontend framework working with Bootstrap, jQuery and jQuery plugins to improve browser compatibility and user-friendly interface. System supports the mobile browsers by using responsive design.The paper ’s mainline is software engineering, and analyzes, gives an introduction to analyze requirement, construction design, detail design, devolvement, testing, design and implementation of the man-hour management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Man-Hour management system, JavaEE, MVC, Spring, JavaScript
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