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The Design And Implementation Of Wind Farm Management System Based On SSH Framework

Posted on:2016-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482456375Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to historical reco rds, wind ener gy has been used for a long tim e ago, for example, the use of wind boat. But with the pa ssage of time, there is not m uch breakthrough on the technology of wind-ener gy’ using yet, a pplication of wind-energy also has not been popularized. Since the first oil crisis outbreak in 1973, using of ener gy is more tight and the planet’s natural environment is also worse. Wind-power, as a new type of ener gy, got more extensive concern with people. Wind-power have a lot adva ntages, such as non-polluting 、renewable and highlighting. Itself has a stro ng development potential, especially in the coastal islands, sparsely popul ated remote grassland, traffic inconvenience of im poverished and a mountainous area, and in the short term to achieve power supply frontier, rural, as a solution to dynam ic problems of daily life and production in a reliable way, with great significance. Even developed c ountries such as Britain, th e Wind-power,, which has the characteristics of clean and non- polluting, has gradually attracted the attention of scientific workers.The global wind-energy reserves are huge, wh ich provides the possi bility for people to use. With the gradual improvem ent of wind po wer generation technology, the global wind power generation capacity has m aintained a strong growth momentum. In 2014, com pared with the traditional European and North American markets, the Or ganization of Non-economic Cooperation Countries have a great er wind power installed capacity. China and Brazil lead the ONEC countries in the wind-power installed capacity. Survey shows that China’s wind ener gy reserves of up to 32.26 bill ion kilowatts, located in the w orld’s first position. 2014 survey shows that China’s new increase in the wind turbine installed capacity of up to 23 GW, the to tal installed capacity of up to 1 14 GW. At the s ame time, with th e increase of wind power installed capacity, the management of wind farm is also facing a huge challenge.During the construction of wind farms in China, the monitoring system will be installed in the total control room and the wind power e quipment is installed in the field. Because th e current wind farm built in the surrounding en vironment, wind speed, weather an d other natural conditions have different locations, at the sam e time in order to adap t to different environments with different wind turbine model is also different, supporting the use of wind turbine monitoring system is not the same, it may produce information isolation. Is to build a wide range of applications, compatibility of the wind power equipment monitoring system for central monitoring and control center, is to solve the monitoring system in different wind field is more independent, com patibility is not stro ng, but also the m ain part of the w ind farm management information construction. The co mpatibility of the wi nd power equipm ent monitoring system can help the operation of the wind farm to the unm anned duty direction, can reduce the operation cost of wind farm, increase the output of wind farm. This paper designs and im plements the wind field m anagement information system, which is used to monitor the real time information of different wind farms in different locations, and to predict the forecast and power generation capacity.In this paper, we use S SH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate) framework to develop wind far m management information system, which can re duce the complexity of system development and engineering deploym ent process. SSH fram ework as an enterprise level operating environment, provides the enterprise information management environment needs of all kinds of services. The system developed by SSH has higher security, availability, portability and scalability. At the same tim e, this paper uses the SSH model to build a m ulti tier W EB application system, which makes the application of reusability and maintainability has been effectively improved. WEB browser as the only client, the use of OPC technology to collect the running information of the bottom layer, and then upload to the Oracle database server, through the browser can query the real-time state of the wind field, realize the m anagement process automation, can effectively manage and control the working state of the wind turbine, improve the ef ficiency, so that the m anagement can be f lexible and e asy to com plete the unified monitoring and management of multiple wind farms.About the wind-power generation m anagement system, we use the B/S m odel, and the design and implementation of the four subsystems. The first sub-system is the intelligent wind power monitoring subsystem, which is the clie nt through the network to read the database from the database of real-time running data, co rrectly grasp the operating cond itions of the wind. In addition, the system also includes alarm function, the module is based on the history of the equipment monitoring data, the operation of the equipment in the short term to make a forecast. The second system is the real-time monitoring subsystem of wind power equipment, mainly by the equipm ent management and fault m anagement, equipment management is mainly responsible for the management of the wind field and the win d turbine equipment. Fault management is composed of fault inform ation database and fault information input sub module. Fault inform ation database is m ainly stored in the history of wind turbine fault information. The third system is the business plan and the m anagement subsystem, the main responsibility for the statistics of the power output of a certain period of time and predict the next power output, and the form of the report form, and so on, can provide data support for the company’s overall planning. T he fourth system is the system management subsystem, mainly to the landing system of the user’ s information, user attendance inf ormation management, including personnel m anagement, attendance m anagement, announcement management and log management four sub module.This paper describes the process that analysis of user needs, design of s ystem, design of database, and introduces the pr ocess of the system and the operation environm ent. Through many tests, we find that this system has som e advantages, such as friendly interface, simple operation, perfect function, security and stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wind Farm Management, Management Information System, SSH, B/S
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