Wireless multi-hop network is a kind of networks with expansive application perspective, while network coding has also been attracting much research interests from the community. A key challenge is to design highly-efficient wireless routing schemes based on network coding aware routing. The dissertation focuses on designing centralized network-coding-aware joint optimization schemes:the energy-saving EECAS (Energy Efficient Coding Aware Scheme) scheme and the time-saving JOCAR (Joint Optimization Coding Aware Routing) scheme for two typical scenarios by building up mathematical models. Simulation analysis validates the performance of routing schemes. Specifically, the main content and innovations are summarized as follows.(1) The energy-saving EECAS scheme targets to effectively reduce the total energy consumption of all nodes for accomplishing the specific traffic flow transmission demands by exploring the network-coding opportunities in the network. EECAS adopts the classical first order radio model to compute the energy consumption of each node in packets transmission. More specifically, a MECM (Minimum Energy Consumption Model) is formulated to obtain an optimal traffic flow assignment. Then, a TDMA-based MTM (Minimum Timeslots Model) is developed to obtain an optimal MAC-layer scheduling strategy. Simulation results show that EECAS can effectively reduce total energy consumption of the network. Also, we briefly discuss the implementation of the centralized schemes under the SDN framework.(2) The time-saving JOCAR scheme considers the performance of the widely-deployed CSMA protocol at MAC layer. By balancing the tradeoff between coding opportunities and wireless interference, JOCAR can effectively reduce the time cost for accomplishing specific traffic flow transmission demands. For this purpose, JOCAR proposes an optimization model, MTCM (Minimum Time Cost Model), and Sequence Quadratic Program is used to obtain an optimal traffic flow assignment and parameter settings of the CSMA protocol. Simulation results show that JOCAR can effectively reduce total time cost to accomplish the transmission demand. |