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Design And Implementation Of Communications Industry Accounting Treatment System

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473454743Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s telecommunications industry market is to promote full-service busines s model. Full-service business requirements in supporting mobile phone, fixed ph one, broadband users to develop and focus on supporting bundled product sales of three type users require the ability to support the needs of the provinces unifi ed group in management, quick response to market changes. In this promotion pr ocess, communications companies complex business processes, mass data and pro cess information on the existing accounting treatment system brings support probl ems. The best way to solve the problem is to build efficient support through the entire business operations, the combination of product bundling, rapid processing of massive data processing system of accounting. The thesis based on business a nd management requirements of the communications industry, designed to meet t he above requirements an accounting treatment systems.This thesis according to the requirements of software engineering developmen t of the communications industry accounting treatment system needs analysis, det ailed design, coding, implementation, and testing. Needs analysis from functional requirements and non-functional requirements two fronts. Function as the main ac counting system to calculate the user fees and concessions, at the end of the for mation carried out account statements, pay for customers to use. Functional requi rements analysis to system module division, given the functional block diagram, based on the functional block diagram of the system of business process analysis.In the non-functional requirements analysis, describes the system stability, data p rocessing and response requirements. Object-oriented design approach, the thesis a ccounting system for the overall design, the application layer mainly for data pre paration and costing, the use of C ++ develop on unix systems; data storage usi ng oracle database to store user data and billing, etc., using Timesten memory R eal-time billing database storage. The overall design of the system into three fun ctional modules, and each module is a function carried out a detailed process de sign. On this basis, the accounting treatment system for database design, includin g database conceptual design, physical design of two parts, focusing on the physi cal design, and illustrates the relationship between core object. On the basis of the detailed design of the thesis on the accounting treatment system has been reali zed, including the realization of accounts trigger event to realize the cost of com puting to achieve monthly processing modules to achieve accounting relations an d the realization of EasyWeb reception interface.By testing for the communications industry accounting treatment system sho wed that the system fully meets the design function; amount of data does not ex ceed the maximum amount of data that 60% of the load of 7 × 24 hours of co ntinuous work. Based on usage of the accounting treatment system determines th at the system is qualified.
Keywords/Search Tags:The telecommunication business, accounting, business, performance
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