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Design And Implementation Of The Tax Bill Management System

Posted on:2015-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J MeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473451760Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By developing the tax bill management system to improve the efficiency of tax administration, the convenience of taxpayers, reduce taxpayer costs, combined with the daily management of the actual situation, improve the management level of automation of tax, so the tax bill management towards a new level. Application of the tax bill management system, to reduce tax costs, eliminate the loss of tax revenue sources to facilitate corporate tax; through network technology, the use of network management bills, greatly improving the effectiveness and efficiency of government revenue, but also save a person round trip to the tax office tax hall round-trip time and waiting time for staff to improve tax efficiency.Tax bill management system design and implementation of security technology through the Internet, the traditional tax bill moved by the work of the management of the Internet on a computer, for tax management and business use. Tax bills by way of computer network management, the use of the most advanced computer network technology development, enabling the exchange of information through various channels such as the Internet. Allows the operator, real-time communication between managers can solve the traditional operation of geographical restrictions, only you can access from anywhere, be managed through a password to log system, the management of the tax bill process, monitoring is of great significance.In this paper, respectively, from the needs and feasibility of the system analysis, the overall design of the system design, system implementation of the main modules, system testing and other aspects of the design and implementation of the management system of the tax bills were discussed in detail. The system includes the type of ticket revenue management, tax ticket neck hair, keep the ticket tax, tax summary report hand in the ticket, the ticket tax lapse and disabling processing, statistical management, system maintenance and other modules. Species management, including ticket taxes to create, modify, delete, view management; taxes including taxes on tickets issued collar ticket recipients management; tax ticket custody primarily through computer entry ticket, the ticket system using computer choreography unified management; tax summary report hand in ticket the main provisions of the tax authorities at all levels are required to report and to hand knot ticket, the ticket summary report by hand in the tax administration system; tax ticket void and deactivation treatment mainly for obsolete ticket management system for processing has been disabled ticket registration management; ticket ticket inventory statistics management including statistics, statistics entry ticket, ticket collar hair statistics, ticket hand in statistics, ticket void statistics; system Maintenance: The main content includes basic settings, operator management, data backup management floppy disk.The system through the B / S module development, using Microsoft Microsoft Visual 2005 language development tools for development, development of language is C #, combined with Microsoft’s SQL Server 2005 database as a storage tool for developing a management system in line tax bill.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax management, bill management, ticket collar hair, hand in the ticket, C # language
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