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Design And Implementation Of User Interface Library Based On DirectUI

Posted on:2016-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467497032Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of computer hardware and graphics display technology, the users’ requirements of the software products’ visual effect have become higher. To improve user interaction experience has become an important strategic target of each software company. But users are not satisfied with the default interface style of Windows system. User interface library based on DirectUI can be used to develop a software interface which has brilliant visual effect in a short time. So, strong software companies have developed user interface library based on DirectUI which is only for internal use and service to the company product development. Taking "Ouilib" which is the internship program the author worked in WEIBO CORP as the background, this thesis discusses the design and implementation of user interface library based on DirectUI.Firstly, this thesis describes the project’s background, then introduces the technology which is used in the development process of this project, then introduces the framework and module partition of the whole project. This project is divides into six modules, which are string management module, resource management module, XML file analysis module, rendering module, virtual control module and message distribution module. The author completed the following work independently including the message distribution module and XML file analysis module, completed the following work with my workmate including virtual control module andinterface rendering module. Finally, this thesis illustrates the usage of this user interface library and tests this project by using the interface development in part with a practical project "Weibo desktop tools".This user interface library, based on the concept of DirectUI, uses the current mainstream technology in software industry, design and implementation of COEvent mechanism and Dispatch mechanism to solve the problem which system message distribution and notice to the business layer. By using this user interface library, we can reduce development cycles and development costs and reduce software development risk in windows application development process.This project had passed the internal test. All modules had been operating normally, which met users’ needs. Next, this user interface library will be used by all windows application in WEIBO CORP.
Keywords/Search Tags:DirectUI, User interface library, Message distribution moduleWindows application
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