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Development And Application Of DirectUI Framework

Posted on:2014-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425975776Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of the software industry, software users have higherrequirements for interaction design. Today software design is heavily focused on satisfyingthe needs and desires of the majority of people who will use the product. In order to designmore appealing to the user’s software, software products need components and forms whichhave better interactivity and visual effects. At the same time the UI demand for softwarechanges frequently. In order to adapt to changing requirements, software designers need tocomplete the following two points. On the one hand we need improve the interface efficiencyand quality development, on the other hand we requires a scalable application framework toreduce future maintenance costs. In this thesis, main work is to develop a framework whichcontains the interface DirectUI and a toolset system of application development. The systemmainly includes: container of frame components,data bus, database operations components,encryption and decryption components,log components, access and download componentswith http protocol, etc,Which formed a Windows application development framework.(1) For the interface framework section of DirectUI, analyzed the current applicationinterface development and needs of the difficulties encountered. The memento pattern isadopted.Using GDI+, multithreading, dirty rectangle, and digital image processingtechnology,this interface framework of DirectUI is designed finally.(2) For the toolset system of application development section, container frame managesall the functional modules,including:loading, configuration, initialization, the life cyclecontrol of the module. Designing and implementing a data bus,which becomes unifiedmessaging management mechanism. Each component module and call module can be carriedout via the data bus with messages. Designing and implementing database operationscomponents. Through a unified component interface, encapsulates a SQLite database on thebasis of source. Achieveing a decryption component,including base64encoding,md5,3DESand TEA encryption and decryption algorithm. Achieving a log system, which can helplocate the program bugs.Also achieveing HTTP access download modules. The systemcomponents packaged raw HTTP socket to access the network via HTTP protocol.This paper, based on the concept of DirectUI, using the current mainstream technology in software industry. And using the abstract factory pattern and observer design pattern inthe development process. By using this framework solution, we can reduce developmentcycles and development costs and reduce software development risk in windows applicationdevelopment process.Also, this framework has been used in China Telecom’s software products–Esurfing.
Keywords/Search Tags:DirectUI, Interface development, VC interface, Interface library
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