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Design And Implementation Of Tax Mobile Inspection System

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330464968821Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tax inspection is an important step and part of the work of tax collection and administration. Tax inspectors are legally tax authorities on behalf of the State of the taxpayer’s tax situation is mainly in the form of inspection and supervision. Tax inspection in accordance with national tax laws and regulations, investigate tax violations, to protect tax revenues, maintain tax order, promoting tax law, guarantee the implementation of tax laws, the laws, regulations and systems of implementation, the taxpayer and tax production and business activities the legality of the activities, steal, escape, resistance, cheat, tax evasion and delinquent conduct audits. In their daily work, the tax inspectors need to carry out the basic situation of taxpayers engaged in the field of corporate tax or individual, operating conditions, declarations, invoices, usage auditing checks. Due to restricted devices and networks, in the actual process, inspectors check taxpayer registration, collection and identification, reporting levy, invoices and other information, is very inconvenient.With the constant improvement of 3G networks, the development of mobile terminal equipment, the above problem becomes solved. The proposed inspection system to the 3G mobile network is based on the platform of a mobile terminal for a comprehensive Tax inspection information inquiry system. Its purpose is to allow the inspectors to be able to achieve through a wireless network based on 3G smart phones, tablet computers and other advanced equipment tax information inquiry, mobile office, mobile inspection, thereby improving the efficiency of inspectors, improve tax service satisfaction. The system is divided into two parts: a mobile terminal client and the backstage service end. The mobile terminal client installed on smart phones and other mobile terminals; The backstage service end is deployed in the back-end server that provides a variety of search services.The system uses a relatively mature and stable Servlet and JDBC technology to build the back-end server. In the mobile terminal the system uses mesh mainstream Android open source mobile device operating system to design and development. To ensure accuracy, safety and effectiveness of information transfer, a security certificate mechanism can be used. By the deployment of relatively independent electronic authentication gateway at the entrance of the application system, people can achieve access to the trusted system, and can have the effective transmission of the trusted access control.This paper describes the process of the tax mobile inspection system, including design, development and testing. First of all, the paper survey the possible information that may be used by the inspectors in the scene of tax inspection and analyses the non-functional requirements and business needs of the tax mobile inspection system. On the basis of this, paper analyze system functional requirements, form the case modeling and logical data modeling of the system, and analyze the performance requirements of the system. Then, by analysis and modeling the system, the functional structure and application architecture are gradually formed; According to the analysis and modeling of the required systems data, the back-end database systems is formed. Next, after defining the system functions and configuring the system underlying development environment well, paper simply describe the system’s detailed design, including: system package and related resource planning; interface planning; system database design; system design on the server; etc. Finally, paper deploy and test the tax mobile inspection system in a simulated test environment. From the user’s point of view, through the designed test procedures and test cases to verify the functionality of the software, and gives the results of testing and operational analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax Inspection, Mobile Inspection, Servlet, JDBC, Android
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