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The Design Of Peasant Financial Self-service Terminals Based On Embedded Linux System

Posted on:2016-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461492583Subject:Control Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Peasant financial self-service terminals are some kind of self-service products that are suitable for countries and peasants, and they have features such as deposits and withdrawals, transfers, and inquiry. Based on the peasants’ increasing demand for financial services, according to the disadvantages of the first version product based on Windows XP system, we design and complete the next version product based on embedded Linux system.Firstly, we describe the main architecture of this system. This system is functionally divided into four modules, including the terminal control module based on ARM platform, display module, Ethernet communication module and serial communication module.Secondly, we introduce the hardware resources of the terminal controllers and the driver design of external devices. The terminal controllers combine the core development boards with extended development board. The core development boards are based on the Smart210 of FriendlyARM, and the extended development boards are made specifically according to functional needs. External devices include metal encryption keyboard, swipe card reader, voice password keyboard, receipt printer and passbook printer. We design different drive for the different devices.Thirdly, we design the business functions and process in detail. The business functions are divided into eight categories, including cash transaction, fee payment transaction, transfer transaction, inquiry transaction, printing passbook, changing password, oral loss reporting and information release. Of these, the first four types of transaction are divided into different subtypes.Finally, we describe the software design and implementation method in Qt development environment. From the point of stability, it adopts multiple processes. According to the principle of one process to one business function, we divide the application programs into multiple processes and use three methods including anonymous pipes, sockets and shares memory communications to communicate between processes. In accordance with the system architecture and data flow, every application program corresponding to the process is divided into different modules. From the point of safety, the system uses Mac and Pin data encryption technology in the process of network communication. Besides, we design and implement non-business functions of the system, such as system parameters configuration, and ftp remote updating.A large number of experiments and test results show that the second version of peasant financial self-service terminal product designed by this paper has the features as follows:low cost, low power dissipation, high stability as well as effortless maintenance, and friendly interface. It resolves the problems that exist in the previous product and has a relatively high application value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peasant Financial Self-scrvice Terminal, Embedded Linux, Qt, Data Encryption
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