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Design And Implementation Of Jinan City Car Rental Industry Management System

Posted on:2015-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461489850Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the domestic economy, people’s living standards improve, Jinan City car rental companies also will continue to develop rapidly. Car rental as a high-risk, high-investment industry, due to the lack of specific, comprehensive laws, regulations and industry standards, Jinan City, behind the rapid development of car rental companies, hiding a huge risk, the industry is facing "imperfect policies and regulations," the main problem and most of the enterprises engaged in small scale, weak, difficult to resist the market risk and competition, coupled with the lack of business can learn from the experience, so there are many loopholes in management, became the target of some unscrupulous elements to defraud. The past few years, for the leasing industry, more and more cases of fraud, has seriously affected the healthy development of Jinan City car rental industry.Due to competition in the industry and other reasons, among the various leasing companies without any exchange of information. Rental car industry customer groups face more complex and leasing procedures only provide ID card, household and small deposits, the identity of the car most companies rely on the subjective judgment of the lessee, lease car fraud cases have occurred, but also the use of rental cars exist crime, manufacturing extreme case may be. Car rental industry requires a high ratio of public security organs using the Internet to verify the identity of the voice.This paper will focus on the bus for the Public Security Bureau in Jinan, Jinan research centralized car rental industry, information management, and for the complexity within the industry, regulatory difficult criminal cases can not be timely prevention and other management problems, according to the "three-building." work requirements, develop a "centralized management mode" as the core of Jinan City car rental industry management system.The design and implementation of this project management system, for a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis, based on the requirements of the public security department for the management system on the basis of combining the characteristics of the car rental companies, describes the main issues need to be addressed to achieve the system analyzes the system functional requirements and non-functional requirements. On the basis of the needs analysis, a summary of the whole system is described, and the architecture of the system. The system uses LAMP architecture, service end points in the data access layer and page processing layer two levels, in order from the functional design, data design, interface design, design and operation of different angles of the design and realization of the system.In summary, our analysis Jinan Public Security department requirements, and basic characteristics of car rental companies on the design and implementation of Jinan City car rental industry management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:centralized management model, car rental, industry management system
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