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The Design And Development Of BS Structure Measurement Information Mangement System

Posted on:2016-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467970134Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Measurement refers to the implementation units unified, dissemination activities.It features based on accurate data, to ensure that every step should be in strictcompliance with regulations or provisions during the operation. With thetechnological and economic development, social progress, meaning, measurementand science and technology, production and people’s life, trade, defense, scientificresearch and other aspects have become increasingly apparent. As the business grew,the traditional manual records of customers, personnel, certificates editing, equipmenttesting and other work-based measurement of efficiency is difficult to adapt to therequirements under conditions of informatization, the urgent need to encouragemetering system information management system to improve efficiency and achievemanagement automation.This paper discusses and summarizes the work done for the Jiangxi ProvincialInstitute of Measurement and testing custom metering system development process,the focus is on the system design and implementation. This article is designed B/Sstructure measuring hospital information management system that uses advanced andmature B/S mode, select C#language as the programming language to do auxiliaryJSON technology, Visual Studio.NET Framework, using Windows Sever networkoperating system, use SQL Sever2008for access and maintenance of the backgrounddatabase. The whole system is divided into: metering business management,measurement certificates, quality management, resource library, statistical inquiry andsystem management of the six modules.Currently, the metering information management system has been successfullydeveloped and put into operation, has been working to meet the basic dailymeasurement center, after a year of steady operation, the system in good condition.Through this system, the staff can quickly and easily share information, worktogether efficiently; change in the past complicated, inefficient manual work, toachieve rapid and comprehensive information collection and processing, enterprisemanagement and scientific decision-making based on statistics for the timely sharingof laboratory workflow standardization, information, data analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:.NET, WEB, B/S system, Measurement information management system
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