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On Archival Functions In The Establishment Of Mainstream Values

Posted on:2015-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H HuaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467950595Subject:Archival science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of market economy and globalization, diversified social values appear. Then the contradictions and conflicts between different values have a certain psychological impact on us, which leads to people gradually missing their values. As a result, the establishment of the mainstream values becomes important. The establishment of the mainstream values is the core of the cultural construction during the period of social transformation. And it is the current urgent need of our social development. While how to effectively establishment the mainstream value is worth thinking about. The current academic study of mainstream values is mainly from many aspects, such as politics, sociology and culture. Based on the basic theory of the mainstream values, this paper analyzes the relations between archives with the mainstream values, as well as the rationality of archives construction of mainstream values from the perspective of archival science. Then this paper refers to that it is of great significance to establishing the mainstream values by using archives. And the status and functions of archives are demonstrated in the establishment of the mainstream values. It also points out that the archives have authority, credibility and influence in the establishment of mainstream values. And at the different stages of the mainstream values’establishment archives have many functions, such as information source, medium as well as the path to maintain and so on. Finally, in order to get the archives maximum function during the period of transition, this paper puts forward the corresponding strategy for actually establish the mainstream values work to provide certain reference and reference from the archivists, archives and archives development direction angles.
Keywords/Search Tags:archives, mainstream values, establishment, functions
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