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The Design And Implementation Of University Cadre Management Information System

Posted on:2016-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467499087Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of computer and Internet technology, intensifying of competition in the market in our country, more and more management work was replaced by the information system. Being able to effectively improve the management efficiency and reduce the management cost of the unit has become an important way to improve competitiveness. Currently for the management of staff in the college, large companies use a customized management system, small and medium-sized companies uses a B2C management system, while some companies are still using the way of artificial management. When requirement changes constantly due to the daily work, customization and B2C version management system can’t be modified in time, such causes a lot of inconvenience for management personnel. Meanwhile adding new requirements and capabilities will add a lot of extra fees, which will increase the burden to a certain company, so to develop a configurable information management system has become a trend. Based on this situation, according to the business logic, this paper describes the development and implementation of the safe, efficient and stable management system.Colleges and universities management information system USES the current popular B/S three layer structure model and J2EE+Oracle technical solution, compilation of mature mathematical algorithm and high efficiency, in which the business process to extract the industry mature and popular framework technology.The purpose of the whole system is to provide the users a simple operation interface, complete the basic information management, wage setting and management, personnel management, contract management module, training management module of function module, the module basically covered the cadres of colleges and universities management needs of various functions. After completion of the system, will for the colleges and universities to provide a safe, efficient and stable operation of cadres of colleges and universities management system.This paper mainly describes from the following aspects: 1.Introduce the research purpose and significance of this paper, the situation of information management system in domestic and foreign research unit, research content and innovation;2.1ntroduce the basic knowledge which guided the design of the system, the J2EE multilayer structure system and its core technology, Web development model, technical preparation for this system development;3. Requirements analysis and design of university staff management information system. According to the actual requirements for the system management, analyzes its requirements, determine to realize the function. According to the function to realize, design the system structure, function module and database, etc.This topic combines the data mining, data warehouse technology with decision system and builds common decision module. According to the existing inventory management data, through analysis and calculation, provides support for cadres of colleges and universities for management decision, effectively improves the work efficiency of the management of university faculty, reduces unnecessary process and extra cost.After completion of the system, can greatly improve the efficiency of cadre management.Through this system can convenience of the work in colleges and universities for intuitive operation, not only greatly shorten the work time, also improve the working accuracy, realize visualization management of staff information field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Staff, Management, Architecture design
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