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Design And Implementation Of Laboratory Integrated Management System

Posted on:2016-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H GuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467497308Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the gradual advance of network technology and the increasing development ofscience and technology and mature, university management change, the design of variouslaboratory management systems and implementation of ongoing research, laboratorymanagement system began to visualize, efficient, standardized, etc. characteristics of afuture trend. There is an urgent need to use computer technology to assist management,laboratory management system main function is to manage the computer laboratoryteaching, so the workload is greatly reduced laboratory managers to improve workperformance and quality of service, so that the laboratory when the professionalmanagement of the laboratory on current plans, procurement, maintenance and use ofmacro-control and management, in order to save costs, improve utilization, strengthenmanagement, integrated laboratory management system can also carry out laboratoryevaluation, provide the relevant the information and data to ensure the accuracy of thelaboratory assessment.Laboratory Management Information system (Laboratory Information ManagementSystems, LIMS) is comprehensive Management and control of Laboratory Managementsystem. Based on the rational use of database technology and management, LIMScompletes the comprehensive management of the laboratory. It has the daily management,including laboratory information management, equipment management, personnelmanagement, project management module. It can manage and monitor the quality of theproduct comprehensively. Not only it can manage the normal daily run of laboratory, butalso strictly control and manage laboratory data analysis.In this paper, an integrated management system requires laboratory, designed andimplemented on the basis of the Internet, the use of Web technology, using MySQL as thedatabase of the system, to achieve the experimental center management throughinteractive dynamic PHP technology. Laboratory of Integrated Management System andcomprehensive reform of the lab management tools, with a network of management, sothat the workload of managers has declined, and students and teachers to work more actively involved in the management, but also improve the work effect. The main workincludes:(1)Trough analysis of the actual situation of the laboratory management, the systemrequirements are obtained. The use case model, sequence diagram and E-R diagram aregiven.(2) In order to satisfy the system requirements, four function modules are defined:user management module, books management module, equipment management andproject management module, and database design. Flow charts and organizational chartare given in these modules.(3) Finally, the system is implemented using the Webtechnology and MySQL as a database of the system, by means of the experiment center ofPHP technology interactive dynamic management. System run results show that theoperability, maintainability, scalability, flexibility, and encapsulation of the system arerealized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laboratory Information Management System, Database, Web technology
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