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Design And Implementation Of Multi Spindle Electric Screw Tightening Control And Management System

Posted on:2015-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467456729Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the modernization of China’s industrial technology constantly improving,manufacturing technology towards to the development of automation, digitization, integrated,in order to improve and guarantee the quality of products. In this paper, the basic fabricationof the manufacturing industry——A plurality of threaded connection to achieve therealization of automatic tightening fabrication control and management software as a topic,Using the software engineering techniques and methods, management and guidance to theengineering. This paper starts with the development and application of this field at home andabroad from the analysis of Multi Spindle Screw tightening Control and Management system,explained the importance of the implementation of the Screw tightening implementation ofcomputer automatic control, the value of screw thread pair composed by a bolt and a nut islimited, but the product connected to the screw thread pair can be expensive. Using computerto realize the automatic control of threaded screw machining has become one of the standardsin quality management receiving more and more attention.Based on the model of four-spindle screw tightening system, through analysis of screwtightening process to the feasibility of multi spindle automatic tightening, establish thecontrol process of automatic tightening and Related control parameter extraction, comparisonof a variety of building multi spindle automatic tightening system architecture model, Finally,to establish the architecture suitable for the rapid development of the system, System withsimple distributed control system (DCS) as the structure of the control and managementsystem, Set up a small network measurement and control system, from the system for multispindle control system enforce administrative control.Taking Windows as the platform, using the VB6.0application systemdevelopment——Multi spindle screw automatic tightening control management system. Thispaper introduces the creation and realization of control and management process of theautomatic tightening control management system, then described the digitization fabricationof measurement system to improve the quality of products, the standard based on andtheoretical basis, realization method. A set of measurement, statistics, analysis in one toimprove the system application, through the data analysis to realize the data mining and application of data, System application the file system administrate input data in datamanagement——Drive control parameter, Using the same two Access database records andmanagement system for fabrication the output data, By using the characteristics of VB6.0Database application system that three part of the application program, database engine, thedatabase can be placed in different positions, the system adopts two kinds of location mode ofdatabase. One is within the three components are stored in the system for records managementand statistical analysis, another is the preservation of the superior database managementsystem used in provides the data support for production management and informationmanagement system (MIS), computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS). Use ofindustrial Ethernet in the client/server model (c/s), the application of Jet engines as theinterface between the application and database storage, the application uses the ADO dataaccess mode to connect the two databases, operating two databases by using SQL.Creating a perfect digitization fabrication control system, involves not only a reliablemaster control program implementation process, but also various service functions to makemaintenance and inspection of the master control program. The main control program of thesystem is the realization of multi-event structured control process, system using roll polingmode, access to outside control information and feedback information in the implementationof the control system, realization of the event process management and control, System alsocreates a number of service forms.As the fabrication of measurement system have to reference——United States QS9000quality system requirements of the automotive industry action group in the MEASUREMENTSYSTEM ANALYSIS. Reference manual,It objectively defining the various elements in themeasurement system and the relationship between the elements and pinpoint system source ofvariation, namely standard, parts, instruments, people/program, environment. Grasp theinfluencing factors of the six regions, will be able to control or eliminate the deviation, Thesystem uses the mean, variance, histograms, process capability Cp value or Cpk value as thestatistical analysis and design tools to create statistical analysis window, From various anglesto analyze the data, Find data causes of variation, To ensure that the fabrication quality of thesystem.Faced with lower use of domestic environment, experience and data accumulated fewerdevelopment environment, This system based on the agile software development and extremeprogramming theory as theoretical guidance, Participation by the user, rapid prototyping,through an iterative process to improve the system, fast inputs application and then participate in user applications, improve system to improve the application, the system has accumulated awealth of experience, lay a solid foundation for the next step to upgrade the iteration...
Keywords/Search Tags:Multi Spindle Screw tightening Control and Management system, digitization fabrication, measurement system, data analysis, location mode of database
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