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Study Of The Intelligent Warehouse Management System Based On Cloud Mode

Posted on:2015-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330452950067Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, market competition has become so fierce, that the enterprise mustpay attention to how to improve the operation efficiency of various parts, if it wantsto have a place in the economic environment. Logistic operation is one of the partsthat cannot be ignored, and warehouse management level is the key factor toimprove the efficiency of the enterprise’s logistics. The application of informationtechnology gradually makes warehouse management to be automated, integrated andintelligent. The concept of cloud storage system brings new opportunity to thedevelopment of warehouse management system.The architecture of cloud storage mode for the enterprise’s warehouses that layin different areas is built in this paper. This system applies intellectual technologiessuch as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), GPS (Global Positioning System),and network interconnection to concentrate all the distributed warehouse resource toa unified information database. According to users’ demands, it packages all theservices, and offers the only interface to the outside, from which users can get thewarehouse management services within the scope of themselves’ authority. Themain work done in this paper includes the following three parts:(1) Taking practical application background into consideration, intellectualtechnologies and network information technology is used in this paper, to buildintegrative platform architecture of cloud storage management. The distributedwarehouse resources are got by the automated and intelligent technologies, andbrought to the united information database by network interconnection, so that allthe distributed warehouses constitute an organic system, which can be scheduled andmanaged by the central warehouse management platform. The architecture of cloudstorage management platform is made up of three layers, namely, the InfrastructureLayer, the Platform Layer, and the Application Layer. With the support of theunderlying resources, the platform packages users’ demands, and users with differentauthority can get corresponding service through the same interface.(2) The functional modules of the intelligent warehouse management system based on cloud mode are designed. The warehousing logistics scheduling optimizationproblem in logistics management module gets the key research. The system has threelayers, namely, the front desk page, the medium logic business, and the backgrounddatabase. It provides two main functional services, which are warehousemanagement and logistics management. The cloud storage logistics schedulingproblem model is built, and the logistic resource dispatching evaluation index isestablished, which bases on the warehouse resources information that is perceived inreal time and some objective factors which may influence the dispatching. The beecolony genetic hybrid optimization algorithm is used to get optimization solution ofthe problem, and finally a proposed strategy for the resource dispatching is offered.(3) The intelligent warehouse management system based on cloud mode isimplemented, run and tested. The proposed bee colony genetic hybrid optimizationalgorithm in logistics management module is simulated and analyzed, and thefunctions of the system are tested. The tests include the modules of shelvesinformation display, entering-warehouse management, out-of-warehousemanagement, and inventory count in warehouse management, and the modules oflogistics tracking, logistics information management, and logistics dispatchingmanagement in logistic management.Cloud mode management for distributed warehouses is set up in this paper.Various automated, intelligent and informational technology is applied here toeffectively centralize all the resources. The resource dispatching optimizationproblem is studied, and an effective dispatching method is promoted. Finally, anintelligent warehouse management system based on cloud mode is initiallyimplemented, to provide packaged management services for the users.
Keywords/Search Tags:cloud mode, intelligent, warehouse management
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