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The Design And Implementation Of Process Management Subsystem Of Quad PLM System

Posted on:2012-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330452463069Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the extension of industry chain and the transformation from―made-in-China‖to―create in China‖, many enterprises are no longer only focus onthe manufacturing sector, but rather develop in the direction of R&D (Research andDevelopment) and sale expansion. Therefore, the value of PLM (Product LifecycleManagement) is being recognized by more and more enterprises and is being rapidlydeveloped. Because PLM involves the management of many sections from R&D,manufacture, and sale to the demise of a product, it turns out that how to manage thecomplicated and dynamic processes across all the sections to ensure that everysection can be run in an orderly and efficient way, is still a big problem encounteredby PLM.Under the background of development of Quad PLM system, this paper does adeep research on the key technology and implementation of process managementsubsystem of Quad PLM.Firstly, it describes the structure model of the process management subsystem.On the basis of analyzing the requirements, it designs a structure which is composedof templates and instantiation. User defines process management in the template andestablishes the association between tasks and processes which in business subsystemby object tree, and then instantiate the defined process management into the businesssubsystem, in order to achieve the management of the business subsystem. Thisdesign can realize an excellent performance of―once definition for repeatedly use‖,and also help the integration of the subsystems. For the purpose of accommodatingthe complicated and changeable processes of Quad PLM, a process management isencapsulated into three layers of process management, activity and task. Users canplace the process into different activities or tasks respectively that can settle theproblems effectively, which are caused by excessive processes.Secondly, it makes analysis on the key functions and technologies of thesubsystem and offers detailed implementation methods. These functions includeprocess design unit, deployment of process management, tasks scheduling, processGantt chart and process driven. The function of deployment of process managementis used to instantiate the defined process management in the templates into businesssubsystem, for the preparation for the start-up of process management; the functionof tasks scheduling is to help users set the scheduled starting date and ending date ofeach task, in order that users can arrange the schedules for all the tasks as a whole;the function of process Gantt chart is to clearly demonstrate information of progress status of tasks, relationship between tasks and others as a whole for the users, in agraphical form. In addition, with regard to the three deepth-first search algorithmwhich is repeatedly used, this paper also makes a study and provides animplementation code.Finally, after a test with the functions and the performance of the system, thispaper provides a corresponding test valuation to prove the system has achieved theexpected target.
Keywords/Search Tags:Product Lifecycle Management, Process, Three deepth-first search
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