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The Prophase Work For Basic Research Of Database Of Biological Information Network For T2DM And Phospholipids Relationship

Posted on:2015-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuFull Text:PDF
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Phospholipid research in the treatment and prevention of type2diabetes mellitus (T2DM)plays an important role. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship betweenT2DM and phospholipids and to establish its biological information network database. Thisarticle is mainly divided into three parts, and the first part is the database informationcollection; The second part is construction the relationship between T2DM andphospholipid database system; The third part is the application of database, and with thespleen yiqi traditional Chinese medicine (Ginseng, Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes,Astragalus, Licorice) as the objects of the database application.1. Information collectedObjective: To establish a relationship of T2DM and phospholipid database for biologicalinformation network. Methods: Papers about relationship between T2DM and phospholidconfined to human species was searched in Pubmed datsbase and a total of621articels wasfounded so far. The cytoscape (version2.83) was used to analysis the searched docoumntand the results was exhibited in a network graph. Meanwhile, the node and edge of eacharribute were also included. Results: the datebase was complated with a total of155nodes a d242edges. Among them, the nodes are mainly distributed in the following sevencategories: disease (15), drug (16), phospholipid (94species), protein or peptide (10),enzyme (or kinase)(16), hormone antibody (1), antibody (1), and they are exported it toExcel for building the database for later use. Conclusion: Based on the literatureinformation collection, we learned how to effectively extract information from the literatureand literature data.2. The database construction of biological information network for T2DM andphospholipids relationshipObjective: To design and build database of biological information network for T2DM andphospholipids relationship, and to use it for management of T2DM and phospholipids data. Methods: The data process between T2DM and phospholipid was firstly analysised, andthen the realistic requirement of the database of biological information network for T2DMand phospholipids relationship was analysised. Finally, the overall design of the structure ofdatebase was finished by using the SQL Server2012Express Edition to construct database.The demand of its funtion was conducted, and the program and application proceduredesign was completed with SOL qurry language, respectively. And then the capability of itwas tested and analysised. Results: Complete database application and the correspondingdesign and build custom query tools. Conclusion: The T2DM and phospholipidsrelational database management system can significantly improve the relationship betweenT2DM and phospholipid data management and analysis efficiency.3.The application of databaseObjective: Biological information network database of Type2diabetes and phospholipidsand the cytoscape transconductance of the data (version2.83) were truly realized, whichalso provides the uptade technical support of database. Methods: query, modification, addand insert of data could be used in the database. Results: The example of query,modification, add and insert of data could be operated conveniently and a representative use,ginseng the spleen and replenishing qi of traditional Chinese medicine, was displayedthrough establishing biological information network of adjustion lipid about2diabetes.Conclusion: Through displaying the example of the spleen and replenishing qi of traditionalChinese medicine (TCM), we could conclude that the database has the following funtion:query, modification, add, insert, which can meet our research needs. In addition, we also tryto establish the biological information network of adjustion lipid about Type2diabetes.
Keywords/Search Tags:T2DM, phospholipids, spleen yiqi TCM, Database, Microsoft SQL Server
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